Auteur: Francesco Pastore

Francesco Pastore [Ph.D. (Sussex); Dottorato (« Federico II »); M.Sc. (Coripe-Piemonte); Laurea (« Federico II »)] qualified as full professor of Economic Policy and as Associate Professor of Economics and Economic Statistics in 2013. Currently, he is Associate Professor of Economics at Seconda Università di Napoli, research fellow of the IZA of Bonn, Secretary of the Italian Association of Labor Economists, and member of the executive board of the Italian Association of Comparative Economic Studies. He is a member of the editorial board of a number of journals, such as, among others, Sage open, Scuola democratica – Learning for Democracy, Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting. His research activities have embraced such issues as the school-to-work transition, regional unemployment and industrial restructuring, economic inequality, gender discrimination, the determinants of trade and capital flow, the transition from plan to market, the analysis of non-profit organizations. He has acted as a consultant for, among others, the EU Commission, ILO, UNDP and World Bank. In addition to this monograph, he has published two edited books for Springer and three special issues of the International Journal of Manpower and a number of scientific articles in such journals as, among others: Journal of Economic Surveys, Stata Journal, Economics of Education Review, European Journal of Development Research, Economics of Transition, Comparative Economic Studies. He regularly contributes columns to such online popular magazines as Social Europe,, Linkiesta, Nel Merito, Learning4. His evidence based, policy oriented and thought-provoking columns are the object of much debate not only in the academic world, but also in all social networks. See  interview with the author:                                               

5 Ebooks par Francesco Pastore

Francesco Pastore: The Youth Experience Gap
“The education to work transition of young people is key to a successful work-life and to fight youth unemployment. The book provides an impressive outline of the facts and convincing insights of the …
Chiara Mussida & Francesco Pastore: Geographical Labor Market Imbalances
This book focuses on the questions of how territorial differences in productivity levels and unemployment rates arise in the first place and why territorial differences in labor market performance pe …
Floro Ernesto Caroleo & Francesco Pastore: The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement
Floro Ernesto Caroleo and Francesco Pastore This book was conceived to collect selected essays presented at the session on “The Labour Market Impact of the European Union Enlargements. A New Regional …
Francesco Pastore: I giovani e la crisi economica
La difficoltà dei giovani nel mercato del lavoro non dipende dalla crisi, anche se la crisi l’ha senz’altro ulteriormente aumentata. La causa prima della difficoltà dei giovani è nella loro mancanza …
Advances on School-to-Work Transitions
Advances on School-to-Work Transitions: Part II …