Francis J. Beckwith (PhD, Fordham University) is professor of philosophy and church-state studies at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, where he is also a fellow and faculty associate in the Institute for Studies of Religion. He was the 2008-2009 Mary Ann Remick Senior Visiting Fellow in the Notre Dame Center for Ethics & Culture and was a 2002-2003 Madison Research Fellow in Politics at Princeton University, where he has served since 2003 as a member of the James Madison Society. Beckwith is the author of numerous books such as Return to Rome: Confessions of an Evangelical Catholic; Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice; Law, Darwinism & Public Education: The Establishment Clause and the Challenge of Intelligent Design and Do the Right Thing: Readings in Applied Ethics and Social Philosophy. His articles have been published in a number of academic journals across a variety of disciplines, including Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, International Philosophical Quarterly, Public Affairs Quarterly, Social Theory & Practice, American Journal of Jurisprudence, Journal of Medical Ethics, San Diego Law Review, Nevada Law Journal, Journal of Social Philosophy, Philosophia Christi and Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy. Beckwith has been a speaker for numerous Christian ministries (both Protestant and Catholic) throughout his career, including Summit Ministries and the Catholic Apologetics Academy, where he has served on their faculties since 1996 and 2013 respectively. He and his wife, Frankie, live in Woodway, Texas.
16 Ebooks par Francis J. Beckwith
David K. Ryden: Is the Good Book Good Enough?
The political emergence of evangelical Christians has been a signal development in America in the past quarter century. And while their voting tendencies have been closely scrutinized, their particip …
Francis J. Beckwith: Law, Darwinism, and Public Education
In 1987, in Edwards v. Aguillard, the United States Supreme Court declared as unconstitutional a Louisiana statute requiring the state’s public schools to teach creationism if evolution is taught and …
Zondervan: Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God?: Four Views
During a time of global conflict, the theological question of whether Muslims, Jews, and Christians worship the same God carries political baggage. Is the God of ISIS the same as the God of Israel? D …
Zondervan: New Mormon Challenge
Current facts about Mormonism:Over 11 million members.Over 60, 000 full-time missionariesmore than any other single missionary-sending organization in the world.More than 310, 000 converts annually.A …
Francis J. Beckwith: Return to Rome
What does it mean to be evangelical? What does it mean to be Catholic? Can one consider oneself both simultaneously? Francis Beckwith has wrestled with these questions personally and professionally. …
Francis J. Beckwith & Gregory Koukl: Relativism
"An extremely well-researched, intellectual approach to the problem of relativism and its effect on education, public policy, and our everyday lives." –Youthworker …
Francis J. Beckwith & William Lane Craig: To Everyone an Answer
In a society fascinated by spirituality but committed to religious pluralism, the Christian worldview faces sophisticated and aggressive opposition. A prior commitment to diversity, with its requisit …
Francis J. Beckwith: Never Doubt Thomas
Theologian, philosopher, teacher. There are few religious figures more Catholic than Saint Thomas Aquinas, a man credited with helping to shape Catholicism of the second millennium. In Never Doubt Th …
Paul Copan & William Lane Craig: Passionate Conviction
Is your heart on fire for God?Passionate Conviction brings together the most popular and heart-stirring presentations in defense of Christianity from the annual fall conference on apologetics held in …
Francis J. Beckwith & William Lane Craig: Ensaios apologéticos
Esse livro o apresenta respostas cristãs abrangentes e dotadas de plena autoridade diante dos questionamentos impostos pelo pluralismo religioso comum em nossa sociedade relativista e fascinada pela …
Carson Holloway & Micah Watson: Film and Faith
Film and Faith: Modern Cinema and the Struggle to Believe explores religious themes in contemporary film with a focus on recent depictions of religion’s continuing manifestations in a secularizing ag …
Norman L. Geisler & Chad V. Meister: Reasons for Faith (Foreword by Lee Strobel)
Many Christians want to witness for their faith, but they are afraid they will not be able to answer questions that others may ask of them. First Peter 3:15 reminds believers to always be prepared to …