Christianity is in a state of moral crisis.Even though people make moral decisions every day, many Christians lack both the ability to evaluate these decisions and a community of discipleship to help inspire a morally faithful life. Compared to the people around them, there is often no discernible difference in how Christians go about making moral choices.As a biblical and practical theologian with three decades of pastoral experience, who has also spent years teaching ethics to undergraduates, Gary Tyra approaches the topic with the practical goal of facilitating moral formation and encouraging an ‘everyday’ moral faithfulness. Tyra argues that Christians can have confidence in their Christ-centered, Spirit-enabled ability to discern and do the will of God in any moral situation. Moral faithfulness follows from a life of Christian discipleship.In an age of moral apathy and theological confusion, Pursuing Moral Faithfulness is a breath of fresh air and a sign of hope for the future.
Table des matières
Part I: Getting Started: Assessing Our Current Moral Faithfulness Quotient
1. Morality Matters: A User-Friendly Introduction to Christian Ethics
2. Some Popular Ethical Options (1): Results-Oriented Approaches
3. Some Popular Ethical Options (2): Rules-Oriented Approaches
4. The Religio-Cultural Soup We’re All In: Assessing Its Impact on Our Moral IQ
Part II: Toward a Moral Faithfulness: Integrating Balance and Responsibility into Our Ethical Lives
5. More on a Moral Realism (1): The Moral Guidelines the Scriptures Provide
6. More on a Moral Realism (2): The Moral Guidance the Scriptures Promise
7. So, What Would Jesus Do?
8. Responsible and Responsive Decision Making: A Closer Look at ‘Drawing in the Dirt’
9. The Ethic of Responsible Christian Discipleship: Reasons for Its Embrace
10. Actually Becoming an Ethically Responsible Christian Disciple: The Process Involved
Author Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index
A propos de l’auteur
Gary Tyra (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is professor of biblical and practical theology at Vanguard University of Southern California. His books include The Holy Spirit in Mission and Christ's Empowering Presence.