Don’t squander your most valuable resource!
Collectively, your workers are your company’s most important and
most valuable asset. To make the most of this asset, nothing beats
quantitative performance and investment measurement. Learning and
Development is an 80 billion-dollar industry, and every valuable
employee represents a sizable investment on the part of your
company. To keep your business moving forward, effective management
of human capital is crucial. It generates plenty of data, and deep
analysis of this data helps you provide feedback and make
adjustments to capitalize on the combined knowledge, skills, and
creativity of your workers. Developing Human Capital: Using
Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development
Investments provides a guidebook for collecting, organizing,
and analyzing the data surrounding human capital so you can make
the most of your employees’ potential.
* Use predictive analysis to optimize human capital
* Learn effective study design and alignment
* Get the tools you need for measurement, surveys, and
* Decide what to measure and how to measure it
* Outline your company’s current and future analytics technology
* Map data sources, and overcome barriers to data collection
Authors Gene Pease, Bonnie Beresford, and Lew Walker provide
case studies in which major companies applied human capital
analytics to guide people decisions, and expand upon the role of
analytics in Learning and Development. Developing Human Capital:
Using Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development
Investments is an essential guide to 21st century human
resources and management practices, and can keep you from
squandering your company’s most valuable resource.
Table des matières
Chapter 1 The New Workforce
Defining the Generations
Projected Gaps as the Generations Shift
Chasing Down Retirement
Changing the Way We Work
Are Virtual Workplaces Here to Stay?
What Can Learning Leaders Do?
Chapter 2 The Need for a Strategy
Measurement as an Intentional Process
Continuum of Analytics
Continuum of Learning and Development Analytics
Case Study: A Measurement Strategy in Action: Pfizer
Chapter 3 Establishing a Measurement Framework
Measurement Frameworks
Chapter 4 Planning for Success
Purpose & Political Will
Skills & Capabilities
Tools &Technology
Taking Inventory: What It Takes
Developing the Plan: Measurement Blueprints
Case Study: Chrysler Academy: A Culture of Measurement
Chapter 5 Curriculum Alignment
Goal: To Close the Skill Gaps
The Performance Map
How We Learn from High performers
Quantifying the Gap
Aligning and Prioritizing the Curriculum
Beyond Curricula
Chapter 6 Measurement Alignment
Alignment Wanted
Maps – An Old Idea, a New Application
What is a Measurement Map(TM)?
What does a Measurement Map(TM) Look Like?
Building a Measurement Map
Defining the Data
Chapter 7 Improving on the Basics
The Basics
Appendix 7A Using Bloom’s Taxonomy
Appendix 7B Guidelines for Creating Multiple Choice Questions
Case Study: National Grid
Chapter 8 Hard Evidence Using Advanced Analytics
The Quest for Isolated Impact
Causation: What Really Drives Performance?
Isolating the Impact: Improving Levels 4 and 5
A Gentle Guide to the Statistics of Causation
Statistical Modeling and Significance
Isolation and the Analytics Continuum
Chapter 9 Optimization through Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics
How to Optimize Investments
Getting the Data for Optimization
Predictive Analytics – a Learning Game-Changer
Pioneers of Predictive Analytics in HR
Chapter 10 In Conclusion–Get Started
About the Authors
A propos de l’auteur
GENE PEASE is the founder and CEO of Vestrics (a Capital
Analytics Company), the leading provider of workforce optimization
software and consulting services. The firm has been recognized with
awards from Bersin and Associates, CLO Magazine, CIO
Review Magazine, Gartner, and the ROI Institute.
BONNIE BERESFORD, PHD, is the Director of
Performance Strategy and Design at AMCI Global. While Vice
President at Capital Analytics, Beresford’s work has earned
her clients three CLO Magazine – Business Impact awards.
LEW WALKER, SPHR, is the Vice President of Human
Resources at AT&T. He serves on the Editorial Board of
CLO Magazine and is a frequent conference speaker.