The human race has been asleep, and has dreamed that property and money are the true wealth of a nation, sacrificing men, women and children to the chimerical idea that danced in visionary splendor through their brains. The result of this is to be seen in the uneasiness that prevails everywhere. But humanity is waking up, slowly but surely and beginning to realize that it, itself, is the most precious thing on earth. In this book the author thoroughly explains the process of physical regenesis by applying the principles of bodilychemistry and spiritual operation.
A propos de l’auteur
George Washington Carey (1845–1924) was an American homeopath and occultist known for a number of ‘chemistry of life’ publications, a subject which he referred to as biochemistry, particularly his 1919 The Chemistry of Human Life, all generally using a mixture of religion, astrology, physiology, anatomy, and chemistry, themed particularly with a mineral-based theory of human disease.