Auteur: Gerd Ludwig

Gerd Ludwig was born in Alsfeld, Germany, and studied photography at Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany. He has been photographing for National Geographic magazine since the early 1990s. His ongoing coverage of post-Soviet Russia has garnered him the distinction of being the world’s foremost color photographer documenting the region. Ludwig is the author of Broken Empire: After the Fall of the USSR (National Geographic Society) and The Long Shadow of Chernobyl (Edition Lammerhuber). Based in Los Angeles, Ludwig continues to photograph primarily for National Geographic while exhibiting, lecturing, and teaching workshops internationally. He is the recipient of the 2006 Lucie Award for International Photographer of the Year, the prestigious Dr. Erich Salomon Award from German Society for Photography (DGPh) in 2014, and the Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism in 2015. His works are exhibited in galleries and museums worldwide.

8 Ebooks par Gerd Ludwig

Gerd Ludwig: Minus 2/3 – The Invisible Flash
Gerd Ludwig, a National Geographic veteran known for his powerful photo essays, is one of the leading documentary photographers of our time. In Minus 2/3—The Invisible Flash: Crafting Light for …
Gerd Ludwig: Katzen-Basics
Mein neuer Mitbewohner, die erste Katze. Wenn sich der Traum einer eigenen Katze erfüllt, sind meist noch viele Fragen offen. Dieser außergewöhnliche Ratgeber vermittelt jungen Katzen-Erstbesitzern …
Gerd Ludwig: Katzensprache
Eben noch die verschmuste Katze, zeigt der brave Stubentiger plötzlich seine Krallen – und der Besitzer fragt sich: Warum dieser Sinneswandel? Das Streichen um die Beine oder das Anstarren der …
Gerd Ludwig & Monika Wegler: Hunde verstehen lernen
Was ist typisch Hund? Sein Aussehen? Wohl kaum, angesichts von über 400 Rassen, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Die Persönlichkeit? Da geht es den Hunden wie den Menschen: Jeder ist …
Gerd Ludwig: Minus 2/3 – The Invisible Flash
Gerd Ludwig, a National Geographic veteran known for his powerful photo essays, is one of the leading documentary photographers of our time. In Minus 2/3The Invisible Flash: Crafting Light for …
Julian Frick & Gerd Ludwig: Spermatology
The analysis of ejaculate, known as the spermiogram, is the crucial investigative technique in the andrological check-up for childlessness. Althoug other impor- tant factors such as medical history, …
40. Tagung, 28. September–1. Oktober 1988, Saarbrücken
Dieser Band enthält die Vorträge der 40. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie in Saarbrücken. Die Hauptthemen behandeln die plastische Chirurgie am Nierenbecken, Harnleiter, Harnröhre und …