This accessible handbook is the first of its kind to examine the sociological approach to the study of the military. The contents are compiled from the work of researchers at universities around the world, as well as military officers devoted to the sector of study. Beginning with a review of studies prior to contemporary research, the book provides a comprehensive survey of the topic. The scope of coverage extends to civic-military relations, including issues surrounding democratic control of the armed forces; military culture; professional training; conditions and problems of minorities in the armed forces; an examination of structural change within the military over the years including new duties and functions following the Cold War.
Table des matières
Section I: General Introduction. 1. Introduction; G. Caforio. 2. Some historical notes; G. Caforio. 3. Social research and the military; G. Caforio, M. Nuciari. Section II: Theoretical and Methodological Orientations. 4. Models and explanations for the military organisation. An updated reconsideration; M. Nuciari. 5. The order of violence; V. von Bredow. 6. The military and war; T. Lindemann, M.L. Martin. 7. Military mobilization in modern western societies; J. Burk. Section III: Armed Forces and Society. 8. Civil military relations; V. Rukavishnikov, M. Pugh. 9. Democratic control of Armed Forces: issues, problems and agenda; H. Born. 10. A tribe among tribes: Postmodern militaries and civil-military relations? B. Boene. 11. Civil-military relations in post-pretorian Africa; M.L. Martin. 12. Military families and the armed forces, a two sided affair? R. Moelker, I. Van der Kloet. 13. Implications for military families of changes in the armed forces of the United States; M. Wechsler Segal, D. R. Segal. Section IV: Inside the Military. 14. Military Culture; J.L. Soeters, et al. 15. Military Officers Education; G. Caforio. 16. Women in the Military, sociological arguments for integration; M. Nuciari. 17. Diversity in armed forces; D.J. Winslow, et al. 18. Unionization of the Military; G. Caforio. Section V: Trends in the Military: Conversion and Restructuring. 19. Armed Forces Restructuring; P. Manigart. 20. Conversion of the military – resource – reuse perspective after the end of the Cold War; L. Jelusic. 21. Decline of the Mass Armies; K. Haltiner. 22. Technology, organization and power; R. Moelker. Section VI: New Missions. 23. Flexible Armed Forces; C. Dandeker. 24. A Soldier is a Soldier! The military and its soldiers in an era of globalisation; G. Kuemmel. Conclusions; G. Caforio. Bibliography; G. Caforio, et al. Notes on authors. Index.