HIV/AIDS is the major political challenge of our time. Based on empirical observations from all over the world, this book examines how HIV/AIDS has become increasingly transnational, as nation states have extended their programmes across borders, and transnational networks have increased their activities.
Table des matières
INTRODUCTION The Politics of AIDS; M.Follér & H.Thörn PART ONE: AIDS, SECURITY AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE State Fragility, Human Security and HIV; D.Altman A Long Wave Event: HIV/AIDS, Politics, Governance and ‘Security’: Sundering the Intergenerational Bond?; T.Barnett PART TWO: AIDS AND THE AFRICAN STATE IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION The AIDS Epidemic and the Fragility of the African State; N.Poku The Unattended Dimension: AIDS and Governability in Africa; B.Egerö & M.Hammarskjöld Multi-Sectoral Response to HIV/AIDS in the Context of Global Funding: Experiences from Uganda; E.K.Kirumira Governance Matters for AIDS: But What About the Politics? Lessons from South Africa and Uganda; P.Jones & K.Koffeld Male Involvement in Uganda: Challenges and Opportunities; F.H.Bateganya , S.Kyomuhendo , G.Jagwe-Wadda & C.C.Opesen PART THREE: RESPONSES FROM CIVIL SOCIETY: AFRICA Global Struggles, Local Contexts: Prospects for a Southern African AIDS Feminism; S.Leclerc-Madlala ‘Brothers are Doing it For Themselves’: Remaking Masculinities in South Africa; S.Robins Gender, Sexuality and Global Linkages in the History of South African AIDS Activism; M.Mbali Surviving Politics and the Politics of Surviving: Understanding Community Mobilization in South Africa; M.Chazan PART FOUR: RESPONSES FROM CIVIL SOCIETY: LATIN AMERICA AND ASIA From Global to Local and Back to Global: The Articulation of Politics, Knowledge and Assistance in Brazilian Responses to AIDS; C.Bastos Mechanisms of Representation and Coordination in the Brazilian AIDS Response: A Perspective From Civil Society; V.Terto Jr & J.Garcia AIDS and Civil Belonging: Converging Currents in Thailand and Laos; C.Lyttleton CONCLUSION Governing AIDS: Globalization, the State and Civil Society; H.Thörn & M.Follér
A propos de l’auteur
MAJ-LIS FOLLÉR is Associate Professor in Latin American Studies at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She is currently working with AIDS related research in Brazil, with a focus on AIDS policy, civil society and race issues.
HÅKAN THÖRN is Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His recent publications include
Anti-Apartheid and the Emergence of a Global Civil Society,
Global Civil Society: More or Less Democracy? (co-edited) and
No Name Fever: AIDS in the Age of Globalization (co-edited with Maj-Lis Follér).