Auteur: Hans Gunter Brauch

Hans Günter Brauch, Adj. Prof. (PD), Free University of Berlin (ret.); chairman of Peace Research and European Security Studies (AFES-PRESS); editor of five English language book series published by Springer Nature; works on peace, security and environment.   Úrsula Oswald Spring, Research Professor, Center for Regional Multidisciplinary Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (CRIM–UNAM); former Minister of Ecological Development in the state of Morelos and lead author of the IPCC.   John Grin, Professor of Policy Science, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam; Co-Director (with M. Glasius) of the Programme Group Transnational Configura-tions, Conflicts and Governance, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).    Jürgen Scheffran, Professor, Institute of Geography and Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), Universityof Hamburg, Germany; head of the Re¬search Group Climate Change and Security (CLISEC) in the Cli SAP Cluster of Excellence.

20 Ebooks par Hans Gunter Brauch

Úrsula Oswald Spring & Hans Günter Brauch: Expanding Peace Ecology: Peace, Security, Sustainability, Equity and Gender
This book has peer-reviewed chapters by scholars from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico and the USA that were presented to the Ecology and Peace Commission (EPC) of the International Peace Re …
Hans Günter Brauch & Teri Grimwood: Jonathan Dean
Jonathan Dean (1924-2014) was a distinguished U.S. diplomat (1950-1980) and from 1984 to 2007 global security adviser to the Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, D.C. During the 1980s and 1990s …
Paul J. Crutzen & Hans Günter Brauch: Paul J. Crutzen: A Pioneer on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Change in the Anthropocene
  This open access book contains texts by the Nobel laureate Paul J. Crutzen who is best known for his research on ozone depletion. It comprises Crutzen’s autobiography, several pictures documen …
Úrsula Oswald Spring & Hans Günter Brauch: Regional Ecological Challenges for Peace in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia Pacific
This book presents peer-reviewed texts from the International Peace Research Association’s Ecology and Peace Commission: M.I. Abazie-Humphrey (Nigeria) reviews “Nigeria’s Home-Grown DDR Programme”; C …
Hans Günter Brauch & Úrsula Oswald Spring: Addressing Global Environmental Challenges from a Peace Ecology Perspective
Addressing global environmental challenges from a peace ecology perspective, the present book offers peer-reviewed texts that build on the expanding field of peace ecology and applies this concept to …
Hans Günter Brauch & Úrsula Oswald Spring: Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace
In this book 60 authors from many disciplines and from 18 countries on five continents examine in ten parts: Moving towards Sustainability Transition; Aiming at Sustainable Peace; Meeting Challenges o …
Hans Günter Brauch & Úrsula Oswald Spring: Climate Change, Disasters, Sustainability Transition and Peace in the Anthropocene
This book provides insight into Anthropocene-related studies by IPRA’s Ecology and Peace Commission. The first three chapters discuss the linkage between disasters and conflict risk reduction, respon …
Hans Günter Brauch & Navnita Chadha Behera: Facing Global Environmental Change
The year 2007 could perhaps accurately be described as the year when climate change finally received the attention that this challenge deserves globally. Much of the information and knowledge that wa …
Hans Günter Brauch & Úrsula Oswald Spring: Globalization and Environmental Challenges
Globalization and Environmental Challenges pose new security dangers and concerns. In this reference book on global security thinking, 92 authors from five continents and many disciplines, from scien …
Hans Günter Brauch & Úrsula Oswald Spring: Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security
Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security – Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks reviews conceptual debates and case studies focusing on disasters and security threats …
Jürgen Scheffran & Michael Brzoska: Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict
Severe droughts, damaging floods and mass migration: Climate change is becoming a focal point for security and conflict research and a challenge for the world’s governance structures. But how severe …
Astrid Sahm & Manfred Sapper: Die Zukunft des Friedens
Als bedeutsamer schätzen alle drei Autoren die indirekten Auswirkungen der Friedensbewegung ein. Insbesondere auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene habe sie zur kritischen Hinterfragung militärgestützter Poli …
Hans Gunter Brauch & Peter H. Liotta: Security and Environment in the Mediterranean
In this volume security specialists, peace researchers, environmental scholars, demographers as well as climate, desertification, water, food and urbanisation specialists from the Middle East and Nor …
Hans Gunter Brauch: Energiepolitik
Ein renommiertes Autorenteam behandelt in diesem interdisziplinären Studienbuch Probleme der Energiegeschichte, Energiesysteme, Energietechnik und der Potentiale der erneuerbaren Energien: Wasser- un …
Úrsula Oswald Spring & Hans Günter Brauch: Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene
In this book 25 authors from the Global South (19) and the Global North (6) address conflicts, security, peace, gender, environment and development. Four parts cover I) peace research epistemology; I …
Susanne Benner & Gregor Lax: Paul J. Crutzen and the Anthropocene: A New Epoch in Earth’s History
This book outlines the development and perspectives of the Anthropocene concept by Paul J. Crutzen and his colleagues from its inception to its implications for the sciences, humanities, society and …
David J. Dunn & Hans Günter Brauch: John W. Burton: A Pioneer in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
This book charts John W. Burton’s transition from practitioner in diplomacy to pioneer in the theory of peace research, thinking on world society and conflict resolution. Born in 1915, given his fath …