Playing the dating game is often tricky: all the more so for individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome. How do AS adolescents and their families cope with sexual feelings and behaviour? What help can be given if a man with AS oversteps the mark in expressing his sexuality? How do people with AS deal with intimacy and communication in sexual relationships? In this comprehensive and unique guide, Isabelle Hénault delivers practical information and advice on issues ranging from puberty and sexual development, gender identity disorders, couples’ therapy to guidelines for sex education programs and maintaining sexual boundaries. This book will prove indispensable to parents, teachers, counsellors and individuals with AS themselves.
Table des matières
Contents: Foreword Tony Attwood. Introduction. Part 1: Exploring sexuality and Asperger’s Syndrome 1. Sexual development. 2. Inappropriate sexual behaviors: comprehension and intervention (with Dr Patrick Papazian). 3. Social skills. 4. Sexual diversity and gender identity. 5. Couples, intimacy and sexuality. 6. The sociosexual education programme. Part 2: Programme for the development of sociosexual skills. Appendix: The sexual profile of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome: The need for support and intervention (with Tony Attwood). References. Index.
A propos de l’auteur
Tony Attwood, Ph D, is a clinical psychologist from Brisbane, Australia, with over 30 years of experience with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. He is currently Adjunct Professor at Griffith University in Queensland.