Auteur: J. Bryson

GORM GABRIELSEN Associate Professor, The Statistics Research Group, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark KJELL GRØNHAUG Professor, Department of Strategy and Management, The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway LENA HANSSON Ph D, School of Business, Economics and Law, and researcher at the Center for Consumer Science (CFK), University of Gothenburg, Sweden HUTTON THOMAS A. Professor, Centre for Human Settlements, and Associate Director, School of Community& Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada LYNN KAHLE Ph D student, The Marketing Department, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark KRISTENSEN TORE Associate Professor, The Marketing Department, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark ALAN D. MACPHERSON Professor, Department of Geography, and Director, Canada-United States Trade Center, University at Buffalo, USA MAGNUS MÖRCK Associate Professor, Centre for Consumer Science, School of Business, Economic& Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. MAGNUS MCINTYRE PETERSSON Ph D, Centre for Consumer Science, School of Business, Economic& Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden THOMAS PLENBORG Professor, The Accounting Department, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark NORMA M RANTISI Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University, Canada NIKODEMUS SOLITANDER Ph.D. Candidate, Supply Chain Management and Corporate Geography, Department of Marketing, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland VIDA VANCHAN Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, School of Natural and Social Sciences, Buffalo State College, USA TARA VINODRAI Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Management and Centre for Environment and Business, Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo, Canada RICKY WILKE Associate Professor, The Marketing Department, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

2 Ebooks par J. Bryson

G. Rusten & J. Bryson: Industrial Design, Competition and Globalization
Economic activities are becoming increasingly globalised. One result being that for companies in developed market economies price-based competition is being replaced or supplemented by other forms of …
Paul Joyce & Marc Holzer: Developments in Strategic and Public Management
Through contemporary case studies of strategic management at work in the US and Europe, this collection shows that it can no longer be seen as a discipline for long term decisions but has become a ce …