This collection of essays by leading scholars in the field reveals the major contribution of puritan women to the intellectual culture of the early modern period. It demonstrates that women’s roles within puritan and broader communities encompassed translating and disseminating key texts, producing an impressive body of original writing.
Table des matières
List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors List of Abbreviations Foreword; N.H.Keeble Introduction; J.Harris & E.Scott-Baumann The Exemplary Anne Vaughan Lock; S.Felch The Countess of Pembroke and the Practice of Piety; D.Clarke Imagining a National Church: Election and Education in the Works of Anne Cooke Bacon; L.Magnusson Anne, Lady Southwell: Coteries and Culture; E.Clarke Godly Patronage: Lucy Harington Russell, Countess of Bedford; M.O’Connor ‘An Ancient Mother in our Israel’: Mary, Lady Vere; J.Eales ‘Give me thy hairt and I desyre no more’: The Song of Songs, Petrarchism and Elizabeth Melville’s Puritan Poetics; S.C.E.Ross ‘But I thinke and beleeve’: Lady Brilliana Harley’s Puritanism in Epistolary Community; J.Harris ‘Take unto ye words’: Elizabeth Isham’s ‘Booke of Rememberance’ and Puritan Cultural Forms; E.Longfellow Anne Bradstreet’s Poetry and Providence: Earth, Wind, and Fire; S.Wiseman Viscountess Ranelagh and the Authorisation of Women’s Knowledge in the Hartlib Circle; R.Connoll Anna Trapnel’s Literary Geography; D.Purkiss Lucy Hutchinson, the Bible and Order and Disorder; E.Scott-Baumann Pregnant Dreams in Early Modern Europe: The Philadelphian Example; N.Smith Afterword; D.Norbrook Bibliography Index
A propos de l’auteur
DANIELLE CLARKE Professor of English Renaissance Language and Literature, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland ELIZABETH CLARKE Reader in English, University of Warwick, UK RUTH CONNOLLY Research Associate in English Literature, Newcastle University, UK MARION O’CONNOR Senior Lecturer in English, University of Kent, UK JACQUELINE EALES Professor of Early Modern History, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK SUSAN FELCH Professor of English Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI, USA N. H. KEEBLE Professor of English Studies and Senior Deputy Principal, Stirling University, UK ERICA LONGFELLOW Senior Lecturer, Kingston University, UK LYNNE MAGNUSSON Professor of English, University of Toronto, Canada DAVID NORBROOK Merton Professor of English Literature, University of Oxford, UK DIANE PURKISS Tutor and Fellow in English, Keble College, University of Oxford, UK SARAH C. E. ROSS Lecturer in English and Media Studies, Massey University, New Zealand NIGEL SMITH Professor of English, Princeton University, USA SUSAN WISEMAN Professor of Seventeenth-Century Literature, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK