Auteur: J.T.M De Hosson


3 Ebooks par J.T.M De Hosson

C.A Brebbia & J.T.M De Hosson: Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics VIII
The combination of surface treatment and contact mechanics is an important one. The surface of a component is usually the most important engineering factor. While it is in use it is often the surface …
C.A Brebbia & J.T.M De Hosson: Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics IX
The importance of contact and surface effects in modern engineering and their combined effects led the organisers to reconvene this 9th International Conference, which covers two related topics: …
C.A Brebbia & J.T.M De Hosson: Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics X
In particular, the focal point in this book is on Experimental and Numerical Tests; Computer Simulation; Multiscale Experiments and Modelling; Fracture Fatigue and Mechanics; Surface Modification; …