The world’s top trader’s reveal the secrets of their phenomenal success!
How do the world’s most successful traders amass tens, hundreds of millions of dollars a year? Are they masters of an occult knowledge, lucky winners in a random market lottery, natural-born virtuosi—Mozarts of the markets? In search of an answer, bestselling author Jack D. Schwager interviewed dozens of top traders across most financial markets. While their responses differed in the details, all of them could be boiled down to the same essential formula: solid methodology + proper mental attitude = trading success. In Market Wizards Schwager lets you hear, in their own words, what those super-traders had to say about their unprecedented successes, and he distils their responses down into a set of guiding principles you can use to become a trading star in your own right.
- Features interviews with superstar money-makers including Bruce Kovner, Richard Dennis, Paul Tudor Jones, Michel Steinhardt, Ed Seykota, Marty Schwartz, Tom Baldwin, and more
- Tells the true stories behind sensational trading coups, including the one about the trader who turned $30, 000 into $80 million, the hedge fund manager who’s averaged 30% returns every year for the past twenty-one years, and the T-bond futures trader who parlayed $25, 000 into $2 billion in a single day!
‘Market Wizards is one of the most fascinating books ever written about Wall Street. A few of the ‘Wizards’ are my friends—and Jack Schwager has nailed their modus operandi on the head.’
–Martin W. Zweig, Ph.D., Editor, The Zweig Forecast
Table des matières
Preface to the Paperback Edition ix
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Prologue xix
My Own Story xxi
Part I Futures and Currencies 1
Taking the Mystery Out of Futures 3
The Interbank Currency Market Defined 7
Michael Marcus: Blighting Never Strikes Twice 9
Bruce Kovner: The World Trader 51
Richard Dennis: A Legend Retires 83
Paul Tudor Jones: The Art of Aggressive Trading 115
Gary Bielfeldt: Yes, They Do Trade T-Bonds in Peoria 139
Ed Seykota: Everybody Gets What They Want 151
Larry Hite: Respecting Risk 175
Part II Mostly Stocks 193
Michael Steinhardt: The Concept of Variant Perception 195
William O’Neil: The Art of Stock Selection 221
David Ryan: Stock Investment as a Treasure Hunt 239
Marty Schwartz: Champion Trader 257
Part III A Little Bit of Everything 281
James B. Rogers, Jr.: Buying Value and Selling Hysteria 283
Mark Weinstein: High-Percentage Trader 321
Part IV The View from the Floor 343
Brian Gelber: Broker Turned Trader 345
Tom Baldwin: The Fearless Pit Trader 367
Tony Saliba: “One-Lot” Triumphs 385
Part V The Psychology of Trading 405
Dr. Van K. Tharp: The Psychology of Trading 407
The Trade: A Personal Experience 429
Postscript: Dreams and Trading 435
Final Word 439
What I Believe 22 Years Later 441
Appendix 1: Program Trading and Portfolio Insurance 453
Appendix 2: Options—Understanding the Basics 455
Glossary 461
Excerpt: Edward Thorp 473
A propos de l’auteur
JACK D. SCHWAGER is a recognized industry expert on futures and hedge funds and the author of a number of widely acclaimed financial books. He is currently the co-portfolio manager for the ADM Investor Services Diversified Strategies Fund, a portfolio of futures and FX managed accounts. He is also an advisor to Marketopper, an India-based quantitative trading firm. Previously, Mr. Schwager was a partner in the Fortune Group, a London-based hedge fund advisory firm, which specialized in creating customized hedge fund portfolios for institutional clients, and also spent over twenty years as a director of futures research for some of Wall Street’s leading firms.