Christian Klein is Professor of mathematical physics at the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon, France, and a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He works on nonlinear dispersive PDEs, numerical approaches, integrable systems, applied algebraic geometry and general relativity. His main interest is the numerical study of zones of rapid oscillations in the solutions to nonlinear dispersive equations, so-called dispersive shock waves, and a loss of regularity, a so-called blow-up of the solutions.
Jean-Claude Saut is Emeritus Professor in the Laboratoire de Mathématiques of the Université Paris-Saclay. He works on the analysis of nonlinear dispersive equations and on their rigorous derivation as asymptotic models of general systems. His recent works concern a general class of Boussinesq systems, the analysis of weakly dispersive perturbations of the Burgers equation, and higher order models in the modulation regime of water waves.
2 Ebooks par Jean-Claude Saut
Peter D. Miller & Peter A. Perry: Nonlinear Dispersive Partial Differential Equations and Inverse Scattering
This volume contains lectures and invited papers from the Focus Program on ‘Nonlinear Dispersive Partial Differential Equations and Inverse Scattering’ held at the Fields Institute from July 31-Augus …
Christian Klein & Jean-Claude Saut: Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
Nonlinear Dispersive Equations are partial differential equations that naturally arise in physical settings where dispersion dominates dissipation, notably hydrodynamics, nonlinear optics, plasm …