Men Talk draws on rich conversational material from a wide range of contexts to illuminate our understanding of men and masculinities at the turn of the millennium.
* Draws on rich conversational material to illuminate our understanding of men and masculinities at the turn of the millennium.
* Collects data from a wide range of conversations, including garage mechanics on a break, carpenters at the pub after work, and university academics chatting after hours.
* Focuses on stories, which occur within all-male conversations.
* Makes a distinctive contribution to our understanding of the intersection of language and masculinity.
Table des matières
1. ‘We was Playing Naked Football the Other Night’: Introduction.
2. ‘Good Story!’: The Formal Characteristics of Male
3. ‘So I Thought ‘Bollocks to it’: Men, Stories and
4. ‘Bad as My Mate’: Stories in Sequence.
5. ‘She’d Made Sardines in Aspic’: Women’s Stories, Men’s
Stories and the Construction of Gender.
6. ‘I’m Quite Good at Mexican Food’: Men’s Narratives in Mixed
7. ‘Still in Shock Weren’t You Darling’: Masculinity and the
Heterosexual Couple.
8. ‘There are Problems’: Men’s Talk and Contemporary
A propos de l’auteur
Jennifer Coates is Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Surrey Roehampton. She is author of Women Talk (Blackwell, 1996) and editor of Language and Gender: A Reader (Blackwell, 1997).