Auteur: Jeremy Harvey

Jeremy Harvey was head teacher of Bishop Fox »s Community School for 20 years and has 33 years » experience of teaching in state schools and the private sector. He is the author of Marian Dunlop: Teacher and Healer (2001) and Chairman of the Somerset Trust for the Arts and Recreation (STAR).

2 Ebooks par Jeremy Harvey

Jeremy Harvey: Valuing and Educating Young People
 »The important implications this work has for the teaching profession, for parenting and for society must not be ignored. It demands our attention. »- Leadership Matters »Jeremy Harvey has captured …
Rudi van Eldik & Jeremy Harvey: Theoretical and Computational Inorganic Chemistry
The Advances in Inorganic Chemistry series present timely and informative summaries of the current progress in a variety of subject areas within inorganic chemistry, ranging from bio-inorganic to sol …