‘Sensors’ is the first self-contained series to deal with the whole area of sensors. It describes general aspects, technical and physical fundamentals, construction, function, applications and developments of the various types of sensors.
This is the second of two volumes focusing on chemical and biochemical sensors. It includes a detailed description of biosensors which often make use of transducer properties of the basic sensors and usually have additional biological components. This volume provides a unique overview of the applications, the possibilities and limitations of sensors in comparison with conventional instrumentation in analytical chemistry. Specific facettes of applications are presented by specialists from different fields including environmental, biotechnological, medical, or chemical process control. This book is an indispensable reference work for both specialits and newcomers, researchers and developers.
Table des matières
Partial table of contents:
Chemical Sensors and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry (W. Göpel & M. Oehme).
Applications of Optochemical Sensors for Measuring Chemical Quantities (O. Wolfbeis & G. Boisdé).
Sensors and Instrumentation in Environmental Control (K. Colbow & K. Colbow).
Biosensors for Monitoring Pesticides in Water (P. Krämer & R. Schmid).
Solid-State Electrochemical Potentiometric Sensors for Analysis (H.-H.
Cumulated List of Symbols and Abbreviations of Volumes 2 and 3.
Cumulated Index of Volumes 2 and 3.
A propos de l’auteur
Wolfgang Göpel is the author of Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey, Volume 3, Part II, Chemical and Biochemical Sensors, published by Wiley.
T. A. Jones is the author of Sensors: A Comprehensive Survey, Volume 3, Part II, Chemical and Biochemical Sensors, published by Wiley.