The notion of agency has recently increased its in?uence in the research and – velopment of computational logic based systems, while at the same time sign- cantly gaining from decades of research in computational logic. Computational logic provides a well-de?ned, general, and rigorous framework for studying s- tax, semantics and procedures, for implementations, environments, tools, and standards, facilitating the ever important link between speci?cation and ver- cation of computat...
The notion of agency has recently increased its in?uence in the research and – velopment of computational logic based systems, while at the same time sign- cantly gaining from decades of research in computational logic. Computational logic provides a well-de?ned, general, and rigorous framework for studying s- tax, semantics and procedures, for implementations, environments, tools, and standards, facilitating the ever important link between speci?cation and ver- cation of computational systems. The purpose of the Computational Logic in Multi-agent Systems (CLIMA) international workshop series is to discuss techniques, based on computational logic, for representing, programming, and reasoning about multi-agent systems in a formal way. Former CLIMA editions were conducted in conjunction with other major computational logic and AI events such as CL in July 2000, ICLP in December 2001, FLo C in August 2002, and LPNMR and AI-Math in January 2004. The ?fth edition of CLIMA was held Lisbon, Portugal, in September 29-30, 2004.We, asorganizers, andinagreementwiththe CLIMASteering Committee, opted for co-location with the 9th European Conference on Logics in Arti?cial Intelligence (JELIA 2004), wishing to promote the CLIMA research topics in the broader community of logics in AI, a community whose growing interest in multi-agent issues has been demonstrated by the large number of agent-related papers submitted to recent editions of JELIA. The workshop received 35 submissions – a sensible increase from the previous edition.Thesubmittedpapersshowedthatthelogicalfoundationsofmulti-agent systems are felt by a large community to be a very important research topic, upon which classical AI and agent-related issues are to be addressed.