Professor Johannes Ring, MD, DPhil, has been Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergy am Biederstein, Technical University of Munich since 1995. In 2005 he was also appointed Consulting Medical Director at the Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, Switzerland, and since 2009 he has been Director of Innovative Diagnosis and Therapy at the Christine Kühne Center for Allergy Research and Education, Munich-Davos-Zurich. Dr. Ring has more than 40 years’ experience in dermatology. He has served as President of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (1993–2002), the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (2004–6), the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum (2002–6), and the European Society for Dermatological Research (1989–90). He has served as Editor in Chief of Allergy and Clinical Immunology International and on the boards of various other journals. Dr. Ring is a recipient of the Bavarian State Medal for Environment and Health, the Erich Fuchs Award, and the Clemens von Pirquet Award. He has organized various major congresses, including the World Allergy Congress in 2005, with 7000 participants. Dr. Ring has published more than 600 original articles and more than 400 review articles and has authored or edited 25 books, including some as sole author.
16 Ebooks par Johannes Ring
Johannes Ring: Neurodermitis – Atopisches Ekzem
Praxisnahe Anleitung zu Diagnostik und Therapie-Management Symptome erkennen, bewerten und die richtige Arbeitsdiagnose erstellen // alle therapeutischen Möglichkeiten in einem ganzheitlich-integrati …
Johannes Ring: Atopic Dermatitis
This book presents the state of the art in research into atopic dermatitis, or atopic eczema, and provides numerous effective practical management recommendations that are grounded in the immense cli …
Johannes Ring: Allergy in Practice
Allergy is one of the major health problems of most modern societies. Although allergic diseases are well-known for almost two hundred years, their prevalence has increased dramatically over the last …
Johannes Ring & Bernhard Przybilla: Handbook of Atopic Eczema
Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis, neurodermitis diffusa, endogenous eczema) is one of the most common skin diseases of our time and is still increasing in prevalence dramatically all over the world. …
Sabine G. Plötz & Rüdiger Hein: Häufige Hauttumoren in der Praxis
Hauttumoren – Übersichtliche Infos für die täglichen Praxis und das Hautkrebsscreening Warzen, Nävi, Zysten, Aktinische Keratosen, Malignes Melanom – in der täglichen Praxis begegnet der Arzt einer V …
Sabine G. Plötz & Rüdiger Hein: Häufige Hauttumoren in der Praxis
Hauttumoren – Übersichtliche Infos für die tägliche Praxis und das Hautkrebsscreening Warzen, Nävi, Zysten, Aktinische Keratosen, Malignes Melanom – in der täglichen Praxis begegnet der Arzt einer Vi …
Bernhard Przybilla & Johannes Ring: New Trends in Allergy III
The international symposium "New Trends in Allergy", held in Munich from July 13 to 15, 1990, brought together for the third time since 1980 some of the most experienced researchers working …
Otto Braun-Falco & Johannes Ring: Vorträge der XII. Fortbildungswoche der Dermatologischen Klinik und Poliklinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Verbindung mit dem Berufsverband der Deutschen Dermatologen e.V. vom 23. bis 28. Juli 1989
Der vorliegende Band dient den in Klinik und Praxis tätigen Dermatologen und dermatologisch interessierten Ärzten zur kontinuierlichen Fortbildung und als verläßliche Informationsquelle. Die Schwerpu …
Heidrun Behrendt & Johannes Ring: New Trends in Allergy V
New Trends in Allergy V’ is the fifth volume of a series focussing on new trends in experimental and clinical allergology. The interdisciplinary character is documented by articles from such differen …
Heidrun Behrendt & Johannes Ring: New Trends in Allergy IV
There is no doubt among experts that the prevalence of allergic diseases has increased in many industrialized countries in recent years. The rea- sons for this increase are unknown; only suppositions …
Hans H. Frohlich & Johannes Ring: Wirkstoffe in der dermatologischen Therapie
Gunter Burg & Johannes Ring: New Trends in Allergy II
Anergic reactions and anergic diseases are found in many fields of medicine. As wen as affecting the skin, allergic diseases occur in internal organs such as the lungs and the kidneys and in the vasc …
Bernhard Przybilla & Johannes Ring: Handbook of Atopic Eczema
Atopic eczema is one of the most common dermatologic Altough the etiopathogenesis of the disease has not yet conditions. According to recent data, up to 10 % of all been fully elucidated, the large b …
Jean-Marie Lachapelle & Howard I. Maibach: Patch Testing and Prick Testing
Combined with the second book of this mini-series "Management of Positive Patch Test Reactions", the text gives a comprehensive account on all matters involved when treating patients with a …
Frank-Michael Kohn & Johannes Ring: Fallstricke und Fehlerquellen in der Dermatologie
Der Grundgedanke dieses Buches ist der pragmatische Umgang mit Komplikationen, also wertfreies Aufzeigen des Abweichens vom ‘idealen’ Verlauf in der Dermatologie. Die dermatologische Diagnostik und T …
Kilian Eyerich & Johannes Ring: Atopic Dermatitis – Eczema
This entirely revised edition of the successful work presents the state of the art in clinics, research and practical management of atopic dermatitis – eczema. The wide variability in clinical morpho …