When a loved one rips your heart from your chest, and you are left with a broken heart and a shattered relationship, how do you respond? Do you walk away and write them off, or do you do everything you can to restore the relationship that once existed? When God created us, He created us for relationshipsfirst toward Himself then to each other. Any broken relationship is not in Gods plan for us, especially a relationship with a child. A shattered relationship with a child can be restored, and a broken heart can be mended. This is a true story covering every step walked on the road to victory and tells of:
turning hate and anger into unconditional love;
finding and giving true and lasting forgiveness;
searching for the real reason for the shattered relationship;
inspection, retrospection, and introspection;
repairing the damage;
putting it all behind you;
moving on as if the relationship was never shattered; and
God reclaiming His glory.
A propos de l’auteur
John lives in Cape Town, South Africa, with his wife, Glenda, who he married thirty-eight years ago. They have three married daughters who have blessed them with four lovely grandchildren. John opens his heart to us as he recounts all the heartache experienced when a child tells their father, “I want nothing more to do with you and your family. You are not my father, ” and then turns their back on the family. The family unit is very precious to John, and there was no way he was going to walk away from this one. Above all the pain, God’s glory was at stake, and for John this was just not on. This relationship had to be repaired no matter how much it hurt, no matter how much the pain, no matter how long it took. God had to get back His glory. John opens his heart and tells us step by painful step how prayer, patience, love, forgiveness, and grace brought about reconciliation and giving God back the glory He had been robbed of.