In his 2005 bestseller, The Republican War on Science, journalist Chris Mooney made the case that, again and again, even overwhelming scientific consensus has met immovable political obstacles. And, again and again, those obstacles have arisen on the right—from the Bush administration, from coalitions of Republicans and from individually powerful Republicans. As the new paperback edition announces, Mooney’s book, “brings this whole story together for the first time, weaving the disparate strands of the attack on science into a compelling and frightening account of our government’s increasing unwillingness to distinguish between legitimate research and ideologically driven pseudoscience.” Looking for a Fight: Is There a Republican War on Science? started life as a ‘book event’—an online, roundtable-style critical symposium on Mooney’s work, hosted at Crooked Timber ( Eight contributors offered reviews, discussion and critical commentary. And Mooney responded to his critics.
A propos de l’auteur
In his 2005 bestseller, The Republican War on Science, journalist Chris Mooney made the case that, again and again, even overwhelming scientific consensus has met immovable political obstacles.