Table des matières
The Mainz Microtron MAMI.- Exchange reactions with Dick Dalitz.- The hypernuclear physics heritage of Dick Dalitz (1925–2006).- Spectroscopy of Hypernuclei.- ?-ray spectroscopy study of ? 11 B and ? 12 C.- Observation of the 7 Me V excited spin-flip and non-spin-flip partners in ? 16 O by ?-ray spectroscopy.- Next generation hypernuclear ?-ray spectrometer: Hyperball-J.- Hypernuclear spectroscopy in JLab’s Hall A.- ? 9 Li and ? 16 N high resolution spectroscopy by electron scattering at Jefferson Lab in Hall A.- High resolution hypernuclear spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab, Hall A: The experimental challenge.- Recent results of the JLab Hall C hypernuclear experiment E01-011.- RF picosecond timing technique and new possibilities for hypernuclear studies.- Future hypernuclear experiments at JLab.- A study of ? 7 Li production with FINUDA.- FINUDA: A hypernuclear factory.- One step beyond: Hypernuclear ?-ray spectroscopy with FINUDA.- Strangeness nuclear physics at J-PARC.- Probing hypernuclei at anda and at MAMI-C.- Gamma decay studies of hypernuclei —Theoretical situation.- Weak Decays.- Study of the proton weak decay of ? 12 Cg.s. with FINUDA.- Decay asymmetry in non-mesonic weak decay of light ?-hypernuclei.- The quenching of nucleon yields in the nonmesonic weak decay of ?-hypernuclei and the three-body weak decay process.- Weak decay of hypernuclei —Theoretical status.- S=?2 Nuclear Systems.- First observation of the ?N decay of the S = ?2 system.- A reanalysis of the reported observation of the ?? 4 H hypernucleus.- H-dibaryon search by KEK-E522.- Study of double hypernuclei with a general scan.- Structures of S = ?2 hypernuclei predicted by the ESC04 model.- Light ?? hypernuclei.- ? bound states and ?? hypernuclei.- Plan for the measurement of ??-atomic X rays at J-PARC.- Production of Hypernuclei.- What can we learn from hypernucleus ? 6 H?.- A fully relativistic description of hypernuclear production in proton- and pion-nucleus collisions.- Analysisof (? ±, K+) and (K?, K+) hypernuclear production spectra in distorted-wave impulse approximation.- The weak production of hypernuclei.- Relativistic hypernuclei at Dubna.- The Hyp HI project at GSI and FAIR.- Strange and heavy flavoured hypernuclei in chiral soliton models.- Strange Mesons in Nuclear Systems.- Precision spectroscopy of kaonic helium-4 X-rays.- The SIDDHARTA experiment at DA?NE and future perspectives.- Search for a kaonic nuclear state via 4He(K?, N) reaction at rest.- Experimental search of strange tribaryons in the 4He(K stop ? , n) reaction.- Looking for the production of deeply bound kaon states in He annihilation at rest.- Studies of K?-nuclear states with FINUDA.- The A(K stop ? , ?d)A? reaction, a tool to observe [ NNN] clusters.- Toward strange multi-baryonic clusters, measurement of ?(1385) in Al + Al collisions at 1.9A Ge V.- The AMADEUS project.- N scattering lengths from the experiments on kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium.- About meson-baryon scattering with strangeness ?1.- Chiral SU(3) dynamics, N interactions and the quest for antikaon-nuclear clusters.- Study of light kaonic nuclei with a chiral SU(3)-based N interaction.- Dynamical calculations for nuclei with antikaons.- Strange dibaryon and NN-??N coupled channel equation.- Further considerations concerning claims for deeply bound kaon atoms.- Search for a K?pp quasi-bound state.- A theoretical view on bound antikaon-nuclear states.- Baryon-Baryon Interaction.- Recent soft-core baryon-baryon interactions.- Hyperon-nucleon interactions in effective field theory.- Scalar ?N and ?? interactions within a chiral unitary approach.- Meson exchange hyperon-nucleon interaction based on correlated ??/K exchange.- Baryon-baryon interactions from the lattice.- Quark-model baryon-baryon interactions and their applications to few-body systems.- Correlations in hypernuclear matter.- Hypernuclei and nuclear matter in a chiral SU(3) RMF model.- Long-range chiral dynamics of ?-hyperon in nuclear media.- Hypernuclear density functional theory.- Elementary Strangeness Production.- Structure of strange baryons.- Electromagnetic properties of nucleons and hyperons in a Lorentz covariant quark model.- Polarization of hyperons in elementary photoproduction.- Multipole approach for photo- and electroproduction of kaons.- Electromagnetic KY production from the proton in a Regge-plus-resonance approach.- New results for the production of ? and ?0 hyperons in antineutrino scattering from protons.- Kaon-pair production in hadron-induced reactions.- Search for ?+ via K+p ? ? +X reaction with high-resolution spectrometer system.- Pentaquark searches.- Strangeness in Heavy-Ion Reaction and in Hadronic Matter.- In-medium properties of D-mesons at FAIR.- Kaon production in nucleus-nucleus collisions.- Rotating neutron stars.- Hypernuclear physics and compact stars.- Kaon condensation in neutron star using relativistic mean field models.- Summary.- The status ofstrange particle physics.