In 2007, the International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs together with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), both based in Hamburg, decided to establish an annual lecture series, the ‘Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs’ – giving distinguished scholars and practitioners the opportunity to present and discuss recent developments in this field. The present volume – the second in the series – collects eight of the lectures held in 2009 and 2010 by David Joseph Attard, Lucius Caflisch, Beate Czerwenka, Lars Gorton, Francesco Munari, Kyriaki Noussia, Peter Wetterstein and Wolfgang Wurmnest.
Table des matières
The Hamburg Lectures 2009: F. Munari: Competition in Liner Shipping.- L. Gorton: Regional Harmonization of Maritime Law in Scandinavia.- The Hamburg Lectures 2010: B. Czerwenka: The Proposal for a Reform of German Maritime Law.- L. Caflisch: Maritime Delimitation Disputes – What Modes of Settlement?- D.J. Attard: Mediterranean Maritime Jurisdictional Claims: A Review.- W. Wurmnest: Maritime Employment Contracts in the Conflict of Laws.- K. Noussia: Environmental Pollution Liability and Insurance Law Ramifications in Light of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.- P. Wetterstein: Remedying of Environmental Damage Caused by Shipping.