The fourth volume of the International Yearbook of German Idealism is devoted to the aesthetics and philosophy of art of classical German philosophy. After A. G. Baumgarten and Kant, aesthetics attained an independent systematic form, one which remains influential to this day. Schelling, the Jena Romantics, and Schopenhauer bestowed upon aesthetics the status of first philosophy, a status that was then criticized by Hegel among others.
This volume contains an extensive interview with Arthur Danto and Dieter Henrich about the significance of idealist aesthetics and its relation to contemporary art and aesthetic theory. Ten other contributions take up the themes of this discussion. Detailed comparative studies explore the aesthetic theories of Kant, Fichte, Schiller, Schelling, Hegel, and Schleiermacher, and mine their contemporary relevance.
Table des matières
Karl Ameriks/Jürgen Stolzenberg: Einleitung. Ästhetik und Philosophie der Kunst im Deutschen Idealismus / Introduction. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art in German Idealism; The Contemporary Significance of Classical German Aesthetics. A discussion with Arthur Danto and Dieter Henrich;
Lydia Goehr: The Ode to Joy. Music and Musicality in Tragic Culture;
Werner Euler: Die Idee des Schönen. Hegels Kritik an Kants Theorie des ästhetischen Urteils;
Alessandro Bertinetto: Negative Darstellung. Das Erhabene bei Kant und Hegel;
Richard Eldridge: Hegel, Schiller, and Hölderlin on Art and Life;
Gregg M. Horowitz: The Residue of History. Dark Play in Schiller and Hegel;
Petra Lohmann: Grundzüge der Ästhetik Fichtes. Zur Bedeutung der Ästhetik für die Wissenschaftslehre anläßlich des Horenstreits;
Claus-Dieter Osthövener: Die Ästhetik Schleiermachers im Kontext der modernen Poetologie;
Lars-Thade Ulrichs: Das ewig sich selbst bildende Kunstwerk. Organismustheorien in Metaphysik und Kunstphilosophie um 1800;
Angelica Nuzzo: Hegel’s Aesthetics as Theory of Absolute Spirit;
Paul Guyer: Freedom of Imagination. From Beauty to Expression; Rezensionen