I was always going to be a made man. I knew that at a young age, and was groomed to become what I am today. I earn my keep in the family and pay my dues. My favorite way to scrub the money while enjoying the view is in my joint, The Chrysalis Club.
When she came to the stage as a new dancer, I could see the butterfly emerge from her cocoon, and knew that she would be mine.
I always get what I want. Always.
I took this job because a friend of mine from school said she was paying her way through college with the tips, and urged me to at least try it. I thought I would be too shy to dance for money, but most of the men are real gentlemen here. Not like those run down stripper bars you see on t.v. and movies, I would never work in those. The first day I stood on stage my nerves were almost too much, I wanted to turn tail and run. Then I locked eyes with him, and couldn’t look away. He always seems to be there, watching… and I like it.
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A propos de l’auteur
K. Rose has been a part of the Indie Author Community for years. Getting her start as a reader, her keen eye led to a wonderful career in Alpha/Beta and ARC (Advance Reader Copy) reading. As a joke to her fellow advanced reader colleagues, she created a spoofed blurb and cover for a story and the feedback was so positive that it sparked her to run with it.That stoked a fire that has her racing down a multi-genre freeway with no off-ramp in sight. K. doesn’t write to ‘market’ and she is fairly certain that her humor and use of puns may cause an eye roll or two. This still wouldn’t stop her from making sure there is humor in every one of her stories. As a Multi Genre Author, there is sure to be something for everyone to love.She has traveled the USA extensively, including Alaska, and lived in thirty-eight of the fifty states. Home is now the beautiful state of Wisconsin, where she dreams up her stories in the company of her menagerie of furbabies, including five puppies, five rescue kitties, a bunch of chickens, ducks and turkeys ruled by a Rooster named Chicken Parm, and a ninety-gallon tropical fish tank.Life will always be interesting for K. Rose, which will fuel her works, and keep her muses singing, come join the chorus.