This book is intended to show ways to successful cooperation. Going beyond M&A, it demonstrates how economical ties and personal behaviour can positively influence our international relations. The value to M&A professionals will be generated through better understanding the views from the other side of the Atlantic, through new M&A insights from other industries and from experts working in consulting and finance. Thus, it is also of high value to all those working on partnerships between the USA or Germany and any other country.
The book deals with many different aspects, starting from overall strategies, and ending up with lessons learnt from the special cases. Reflecting behavioural, economic or legal aspects, there are articles showing one side only to work out country or industry specifics and others comparing the nationally different systems and surroundings.
Table des matières
Introductions and topic overviews
Markets and structures:
M&A in Germany
Success factors in Transatlantic M&A
Markets and Trends from German and US perspectives
Experiences from different industries:
Banking & Finance
Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Power Generation & Electronics
Information & Communication
Logistics & Transportation
Private Equity Investments in various Industries
Professional & Functional Contributions:
Communications in Transatlantic M&A
Leadership, Strategy and Structure
Corporate Governance
Legal & Tax Conditions
Antitrust Control
Financial & Accounting
Patents & Technology
Culture, Communications & Personnel
A propos de l’auteur
is President of the German Federal M&A Association (Bundesverband Mergers & Acquisitions) and Head of the Department for Group Strategies and M&A Integration at Siemens Corporate in Munich. He has developed the basic process for Siemens’ M&A integration and has been a key player in more than a thousand M&A projects.