Karl Barth was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century. Pope Pius XI called him the greatest theologian since Saint Thomas Aquinas. But he was also a popular preacher in Basel and the author of the formidable Church Dogmatics had a lighter touch as well. This is revealed in this enchanting collection of fragments. Not only do they capture the gaiety and gravity of Barth in a simple and homely style; they also contain, in a delightfully digestible form, the essence of what he had to say about the Bible, theology, and the task of Christians in the modern world.
A propos de l’auteur
H. Martin Rumscheidt was born in Germany, and educated there, in Switzerland, and in Canada. He holds a Ph D from Mc Gill University, and is an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada. After serving in three different congregations he taught historical theology at the University of Windsor and at Atlantic School of Theology. His present research focuses on the Holocaust and Jewish-Christian relations. He and his spouse live in New England.