Designed for all those who support older children and young adults with speech and language difficulties, this resource provides ideas, practical strategies and detailed information about the speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) of older students.
Both authors have over 20 years experience of delivering courses to teachers, Special Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) and Specialist Outreach teachers in different local authorities, further education colleges and university departments.
Kate Ripley is an Educational Psychologist, trainer and national and international conference speaker on themes related to speech, language and communication needs. Jenny Barrett is a Speech and Language Therapist with internationally recognised expertise in her field, who now works as a freelance consultant.
Table des matières
Speech, Language and Communication Impairment Explained
Understanding Comprehension
Memory and SLCN/Remembering Memory
Thinking Language – The Role of Language in Thinking and Strategies to Support Thinking Skills
Speech Problems in the Teenage Years and Beyond – Clear about Speech
Expressive Language/Talking about Language
Social Communication Skills/Socially Speaking
Language and Behaviour
The Assessment of SLCN