Table des matières
Overview Map
About this Book
The Mountain Ranges
When to Go
Getting There
Getting Around
Mountain Huts
Maps and Guidebooks
Health Considerations
The Mountains
Mountain Activities
Safety Dos and Don’ts
Mountain Rescue
Plant and Animal Life
Environmental Ethics
Information at a Glance
Chapter 1: Chablais Alps
1:1 Val de Morgins
1:2 Val d’Illiez
1:3 Vallon de Susanfe
1:4 Rhône Valley Approaches
1:5 Vall&##xe9;e du Trient
Access, Bases, Maps and Guides
Chapter 2: Pennine Alps
2:1 Val Ferret
2:2 Val d’Entremont
2:3 Val de Bagnes
2:4 Val de Nendaz
2:5 Val d’H&##xe9;r&##xe9;mence
2:6 Val d’H&##xe9;rens
2:7 Val de Moiry
2:8 Val d’Anniviers
2:9 Turtmanntal
2:10 Mattertal
2:11 Saastal
2:12 Simplon Pass
Access, Bases, Maps and Guides
Chapter 3: Lepontine and Adula Alps
3:1 Simplon Pass East
3:2 Binntal
3:3 Val Bedretto
3:4 Valle Leventina
3:5 Val Verzasca
3:6 Valle Maggia and its Tributaries
3:7 Valle di Blenio
3:8 Vals Calanca and Mesolcina
3:9 The Northern Valleys
Access, Bases, Maps and Guides
Chapter 4: Bernina, Bregaglia and Albula Alps
4:1 Val Madris and the Averstal
4:2 Engadine Valley: Left Bank
4:3 Val Bregaglia
4:4 The Bernina Alps
4:5 The Swiss National Park
Access, Bases, Maps and Guides
Chapter 5: Bernese Alps
5:1 Alpes Vaudoises
5:2 Les Diablerets to the Rawil Pass
5:3 The Wildstrubel Massif
5:4 Kandersteg and the Gemmipass
5:5 Blu?emlisalp and the Gasterntal
5:6 The Kiental
5:7 Lauterbrunnen Valley
5:8 Grindelwald and the Lu?tschental
5:9 Haslital and Grimsel Pass
5:10 The Southern Valleys
Access, Bases, Maps and Guides
Chapter 6: Central Swiss Alps
6:1 Uri Alps: Dammastock Group
6:2 North of the Sustenpass: Titlis Group
6:3 Glarner Alps
Access, Bases, Maps and Guides
Chapter 7: Silvretta and Rätikon Alps
7:1 Silvretta Alps: Lower Engadine
7:2 Silvretta Alps: Prättigau
7:3 Rätikon Alps
7:4 The Alpstein Massif
Access, Bases, Maps and Guides
APPENDIX A Glossary of Alpine Terms
APPENDIX B Selective Bibliography
APPENDIX C Index of Maps
APPENDIX D The Swiss 4000m Peaks