Self and Subjectivity is a collection of seminal essays with commentary that traces the development of conceptions of ‘self’ and ‘subjectivity’ in European and Anglo-American philosophical traditions, including feminist scholarship, from Descartes to the present.
Table des matières
Part I: Early Modern Philosophy.
1. Commentary on Descartes (Rene Descartes: ‘Meditation
2. Commentary on Locke (John Locke: ‘Of Identity and
3. Commentary on Hume.
David Hume: ‘Of Personal Identity’..
Part II: Later Modern Philosophy.
4. Commentary on Kant.
Immanuel Kant: Critique of Pure Reason, ‘Paralogisms of Pure
Reasons (A)’ (first, second, and third paralogisms).
5. Commentary on Hegel.
G.W.F.Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit, ‘Self-consciousness:
Lordship and Bondage’.
6. Commentary on Nietzsche.
Friedrich Nietzsche: ‘The Genealogy of Morals’..
Part III: Phenomenology and Existentialism.
7. Commentary on Sartre.
Jean-Paul Sartre: ‘The Look’.
8. Commentary on Merleau-Ponty.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty: ‘The Spatiality of One’s Own Body and
9. Commentary on Heidegger.
Martin Heidegger: ‘Exposition of the Task of a Preparatory
Analysis of Dasein’..
Part IV: Analytic Philosophy.
10. Commentary on Strawson.
P. F. Strawson: ‘Persons’.
11. Commentary on Frankfurt.
Harry Frankfurt: ‘Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a
12. Commentary on Shoemaker.
Sydney Shoemaker: ‘Personal Identity: A Materialists’s
13. Commentary on Williams (Bernard Williams: ‘Bodily Continuity
and Personal Identity’.
14. Commentary of Parfit.
Derek Parfit: Reasons and Persons, ‘What We Believe Ourselves To
Part V: Post-structuralism.
15. Commentary on Freud.
Sigmund Freud: ‘The Ego and the Id’.
16. Commentary on Foucault.
Michel Foucault: ‘About the Beginnings of ten Hermeneutics of
the Self: two Lectures at Dartmouth’.
17. Commentary on Ricoeur.
Paul Ricoeur: ‘Personal Identity and Narrative
Part VI: Feminist Philosophy.
18. Commentary on de Beauvoir.
Simone de Beauvooir: ‘Introduction’ to The Second Sex.
19. Commentary on Butler.
Judith Butler: ‘Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of
20. Commentary on Irigaray.
Luce Irgaray: ‘Any Theory of the ‘Subject’ Has Always Been
Appropriated by the ‘Masculine ».
21. Commentary on Mackenzie.
Catriona Mackenzie: ‘Imaging Oneself Otherwise’.
A propos de l’auteur
Kim Atkins is a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Applied Philosophy, Philosophy Today, and The International Journal of Philosophical Studies.