A novel coronavirus outbreak was first documented in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019, and has since spread globally, resulting in the 2019 – 2020 coronavirus pandemic.
This book answers and offer guidance to most of the Trade Finance questions and issues raised during the covid-19 crisis.
In response to the many Trade Finance questions relating to the covid-19 crisis, Kim Sindberg started publishing a series of lcviews blog posts under the segment Coron Advice. Between the blog posts, Kim Sindberg decided to collect them as well as some of the articles published in the LCM Newsletter and include them into this book. Of course, this book also contains previously unpublished material, just as there are 2 guest chapters written by A.T.M. Nesarul Hoque and Vinod Elambilan Padinhere.
Although the chapters in this book focus on covid-19 issues, the information apply equally to other situations; whether or not there is an ongoing pandemic.
As a result, this book provides an overview of the covid-19 crisis from a Trade Finance perspective.
A propos de l’auteur
Kim Sindberg is Technical Advisor to the Banking Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), founder of Sindberg Consult as well as member of several national and international Trade Finance forums and has served in several ICC working and drafting groups. He is an internationally recognized Trade Finance expert with more than 20 years extensive experience. He is the founder of Sindberg Consult who is behind many quality Trade Finance publications in different formats such as books, e Books, magazines, newsletters and websites.