Auteur: Kyongjoo Ryou

Dorothy Kenny is Senior Lecturer at Dublin City University, where she teaches translation, translation technology and corpus linguistics. She is author of Lexis and Creativity in Translation: A corpus-based study (2001), and co-editor of Unity in Diversity: Current Trends in Translation Studies (1998) and the annual Bibliography of Translation Studies (1998-2004), all from St. Jerome Publishing. Kyongjoo Hong Ryou, who passed away in June 2007, was Assistant Professor of 20th Century British and American Poetry at Sookmyung Women »s University, Seoul. She studied in the United States, where she gained a PhD from the University of Utah. She will be remembered as an accomplished poet and translator of poetry, including works by Kim Choonsoo and Kim Gwanggyun, as well as for her work on English textbooks for Korean high school students.

1 Ebooks par Kyongjoo Ryou

Dorothy Kenny & Kyongjoo Ryou: Across Boundaries
This book aims to showcase research into translation and translation teaching as they are currently practised in a variety of contexts across the globe. The editors are particularly interested in hig …