Table des matières
1. I Want to Interrogate America……………….7
2. Destroy Bourgeois Cabaret…………………..9
3. A General Audience………………………..14
4. Party and Play……………………………17
5. Socially Responsible Pants…………………20
6. The Unknown Homo………………………….24
7. My Name is Larry, and I’m a Teetotaler………27
8. Modern Rock Divas (remix)………………….30
9. The Prime Directive……………………….34
10. Bands Are Dumb……………………………38
11. Confrontation…………………………….42
12. Other People’s Kinks………………………44
13. Local Talent……………………………..47
14. I Want to be a Gay Wingnut…………………50
15. Emptiness Inside………………………….53
16. To Hell………………………………….58
17. The Curse of Ham………………………….60
18. End of the World………………………….65
19. Changing Your Name………………………..68
20. Meat-eaters………………………………72
21. Masculine Men…………………………….75
22. What’s Your Sign?…………………………78
23. Talking to Strangers………………………81
24. Car Harm Reduction………………………..88
25. Alternatives to Church…………………….91
26. It’s Not Easy Being an Arrogant Know-it-all….97
27. The Mess Manifesto……………………….101
28. Anonymous Cowards………………………..107
29. How to be an Annoying Gay Couple…………..109
30. Zines Didn’t Change the World……………..119
31. Reasons to Live………………………….124
32. Motorized Vehicles Off the Sidewalk………..126
33. Let’s Chat………………………………132
34. Heterosexual vs. Straight-Identified……….137
35. Leave Me Alone…………………………..140
36. Childhood Conditioning……………………142
37. Beyond Chubby Chaser……………………..146
38. Mary, Mary Quite Contrary…………………150
39. The American Flag………………………..152
40. The Bear Majority………………………..154
41. Creating Community……………………….157
42. Appropriating Identity……………………160
43. Clones are Good………………………….163
44. The International Homosexual Conspiracy…….166
45. My Gender Identity Crisis…………………171
46. Something Meaningful……………………..175
47. Pop Music……………………………….177
48. Ghostwriter to the World………………….180
49. Medium Media…………………………….183
50. Post-style………………………………188
51. You are Brain Washed……………………..191
52. Pronouns………………………………..192
53. Role Model………………………………196
54. 1978……………………………………199
55. An Open Letter to the Castro………………204
56. Webcam Aesthetics………………………..208
57. Fashion Weak…………………………….213
58. My Funeral………………………………217
59. Everyone’s a Semiotician………………….220
60. Middleclass Writer……………………….228
61. Rethinking the Mess Manifesto……………..231
62. The Halflife of Selling Out……………….235
63. The Feeling is Mutual: In Praise of Hand Jobs.238
64. Dirty Nails, Hair and Body………………..248
65. Washed-up Pride Performers………………..250
66. Trendy Stuff…………………………….253
67. The World’s Stupidest Atheist……………..256
68. Neoconservative………………………….259
69. A Society in Dazed Denial…………………263
70. Everyone’s a Porn Star……………………266
71. The New Dark Ages………………………..270
72. The Skeptic Friends Network……………….273
73. Seeking Enlightenment…………………….277
74. Post-celebrity…………………………..280
75. Genital Branding…………………………282
76. Queer Kids Catalog……………………….286
77. A Red Crayola is a Good Substitute for a Penis
78. Sperm Donation…………………………..294
79. Bullies…………………………………297
80. New Gay Stereotype Jobs…………………..301
81. I Hate Sports……………………………304
82. Sick Days……………………………….309
83. Gay Real Estate………………………….313
84. Annoying Personality Disorder……………..316
85. The Art of Homelessness…………………..319
86. Publicity Successes and Failures…………..323
87. How to be a Good Audience…………………327
88. Presumed Hetero Until Proven Gay…………..331
89. Mainstream Homosexuality: Escape or Replace?..334
90. Political Spice Girls…………………….337
91. The Disappearance of the Inexplicable………341
92. Finding a Man……………………………345
93. Getting to Know People……………………348
94. Closet Case Role Models…………………..351
95. Preserving Gay Culture……………………355
96. Nerd Culture: An Appreciation……………..358
97. Gay Male Ignorance of Lesbian Culture………364
98. Failed Article Pitches……………………368
99. Queer Art Brut…………………………..372
100. Imperial Rainbow…………………………373
101. Fags — Go Figure………………………..376