Brain Storm is the story of Bruce and Laura Allen who, when confronted with the immeasurable challenges of brain injury, found courage, determination, and strength from God to forge through the seemingly insurmountable obstacles of Bruces intense and often heartbreaking recovery. The overwhelming struggles that consumed the next year changed their lives forever. Brain Storm views these incredible hurdles through the separate eyes of both the survivor and the caregiver. It recounts how God miraculously led them through each step of the journey. This candid, intimate, and often humorous approach to recovery from brain injury will encourage and inspire readersespecially those who are currently traveling a similar path. You will learn why Bruce decided, This has been the best year of my life.
Brain Storm is not just the story of a mans experience recovering from brain injury, but it is also one of loss, grief, acceptance, and transcendence to find ones purpose in life. This is a true testament to how fragile our lives are and how resilient we can be in the face of adversity. Bruces story is an inspiration to me, his physician and friend, and will be to you as well.
Darryl L. Kaelin, MD
Bruce and Laura Allen have allowed us to journey with them in their remarkable, honest, painful, and miraculous story of faith, hope, and love. This is a must-read for anyone walking through extended physical suffering either as a patient, caregiver, or family member. You will laugh, cry, and rejoicebut most of all you will experience God.
Dr. Mark L. Walker
A propos de l’auteur
Bruce Allen has been a pastor, writer, evangelist, and national senior consultant with John Maxwell’s Injoy Stewardship Services before his brain injury. He holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Georgia, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Bruce devotes his time to ministering with brain injury survivors.
Laura Fry Allen has been a missionary, speaker, writer, pastor’s wife, and the National Evangelism Consultant with Women for the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board. She graduated from Southern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, and has a Master of Religious Education with emphasis in social work from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Mill Valley, California. She currently works at Kennesaw State University in the Well Star School of Nursing.
The Allens have been married thirty-one years and live in Marietta, Georgia, with their dog, Princess.