The author: Yulia Liderman graduated from the Russian Academy of Drama (GITIS) in 1996 and Moscow Institute for European Cultures in 2000. She received her Cand.Sc. degree in Cultural Studies from the Russian State University for the Humanities in 2004. In 2001-2002, she was a Rotary Club Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Cinema, Theatre and Media Studies of the University of Frankfurt am Main. Her papers have appeared in Znamya and Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.The foreword author: Evgeny Yakovlevich Margolit, Cand.Sc. in Fine Art Studies, is a Senior Research Fellow at the Moscow Research Center for Cinema Art Studies.
1 Ebooks par Liderman Yulia Liderman
Yulia Liderman: Motivi ‘proverki’ i ‘ispytaniia’ v postsovetskoi kul’ture. Sovetskoe proshloe v rossiiskom kinematografe 1990-kh godov
This book analyses Russian cinema movies that became blockbusters among home-produced motion pictures of the 1990s, and the plots of which refer to the Soviet past. The study seeks to establish the n …