Organizational communication as a field of study has grown tremendously over the past thirty years. This growth is characterized by the development and application of communication perspectives to research on complex organizations in rapidly changing environments. Completely re-conceptualized,
The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Communication, Third Edition, is a landmark volume that weaves together the various threads of this interdisciplinary area of scholarship. This edition captures both the changing nature of the field, with its explosion of theoretical perspectives and research agendas, and the transformations that have occurred in organizational life with the emergence of new forms of work, globalization processes, and changing organizational forms. Exploring organizations as complex and dynamic, the Handbook brings a communication lens to bear on multiple organizing processes.
Table des matières
Approaches to Research on the Communicative Constitution of Organizations – Boris Brummans, François Cooren, Daniel Robichaud, James Taylor
Communicating Identity and Identification in and Around Organizations – George Cheney, Lars Christensen, Stephanie Dailey
Communicating Work-Life Issues: Policies, Practices, and Opportunities – Erika Kirby, Patrice Buzzanell
Communication, Organizing, & Social Movements – Shiv Ganesh, Cynthia Stohl
Conceptual Foundations: Theory Debate, Contested Histories, Generative Struggles – Stanley Deetz, Elizabeth Rush
Critical Theory and Postmodernism – Dennis Mumby
Diverse Voices, Alternative Rationalities and (the) Spaces In-Between: Decolonizing Organizational Communication – Kirsten Broadfoot
Diverse Voices, Alternative Rationalities and (the) Spaces In-Between: Decolonizing Organizational Communication and Other Adventures – Debashish Munshi
Embedded Teams – Andrea Hollingshead, David Seibold, Kay Yoon
Engaged Scholarship and Democracy – Sarah Dempsey, Kevin Barge
Feminist Organizational Communication Theory – Karen Ashcraft
Field Research in Organizational Communication – Marya Doerfel, Jennifer Gibbs
Globalization and Social Justice Organizations – Cynthia Stohl, Shiv Ganesh
Incivility, Destructive Workplace Behavior, & Bullying – Vincent Waldron, Jeffrey Kassing
Information & Communication Technologies in Organizations – Ronald Rice, Paul Leonardi
Institutional Theory: A Fertile Field for Organizational Communication – John Lammers, Mattea Garcia
Introduction Section I: Theories of Organizational Communication – Patricia Sotirin
Introduction Section II: Research Methods in Organizational Communication Studies – Patricia Riley
Introduction Section III: Communication & the Postbureaucratic Organization – James Barker
Introduction Section IV: Managing Organizational Knowledge, Meaning & Change – Kathleen Krone
Introduction Section V: Organizations, Stakeholders, & Conflict – Steve May
Introduction Section VI: Examining the Organization-Society Relationship – Janet Fulk
Knowledge & Knowing in Organizational Communication – Timothy Kuhn
Leadership Communication – Gail Fairhurst, Stacey Connaughton
Mixed Methods: When More Really is More – Karen Myers
Organizational Change and Innovation – Laurie Lewis
Organizational Communication, Ethics, and Responsibility – Steve May, Juliet Roper
Organizational Culture: Creating Meaning and Influence – Jo Ann Keyton
Organizational Discourse Analysis – Gail Fairhurst, Linda Putnam
Organizational Networks – Noshir Contractor, Michelle Shumate
Organizing and Difference – Patricia Parker
Organizing Ethnography and Qualitative Approaches – Sarah Tracy, Patricia Geist-Martin
Power & Resistance in Organizational Communication – Heather Zoller
Socialization and Assimilation: Theories, Processes, and Outcomes – Michael Kramer, Vernon Miller
Structuration Theory – Robert Mc Phee, Marshall Poole, Joel Iverson
Systems Theory – Marshall Poole
Organizational Emotions and Compassion at Work – Katherine Miller
Workplace Relationships – Patricia Sias
The Future of Organizational Communication – Dennis Mumby, Linda Putnam
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
About the Contributors
A propos de l’auteur
Dennis K. Mumby is the Cary C. Boshamer Distinguished Professor of Communication at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. His research focuses on the communicative dynamics of organizational control and resistance under neoliberalism. He is a Fellow of the International Communication Association, and a National Communication Association Distinguished Scholar. He has authored or edited 7 books and over 60 articles in the area of critical organization studies, and his work has appeared in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Management Communication Quarterly, Organization Studies, Organization, and Human Relations. He is past chair of the Organizational Communication Division of NCA, and an 8-time winner of the division’s annual research award. He has served as chair of the Organizational Communication Division of the International Communication Association, and is a recipient of the division’s Fredric M. Jablin Award for contributions to the field of organizational communication.