Social work with vulnerable adults is becoming increasingly centred on a key piece of legislation: the Mental Capacity Act. The Act provides a framework for protecting the vulnerable while allowing those who may lack capacity to have certain safeguards enshrined in law.
This book will help support students to learn two things: first, how the Mental Capacity Act operates and what its key principles are when applied to safeguarding adults; and second, what are the compassionate skills and values that need to be interwoven with legislative knowledge? The authors show how these two principles interact and inform one another and how taking a person-centred approach to safeguarding vulnerable adults will mean better outcomes for the individual and our wider society.
Table des matières
Ethics and Vulnerability: Service Users and Social Workers
Decision Making in Work with Vulnerable Adults
Mental Capacity
Best Interests
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)
Adults at Risk
Personalisation and Partnership Working
The Assessed and Supported Year in Employment
Appendix 1: Professional Capabilities Framework
A propos de l’auteur
Jim Rogers is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Lincoln in the Hull School of Social Work. He teaches on a range of modules on both undergraduate and post qualifying social programmes. He has been responsible for several years for co-ordinating the first year of the BSc Social work programme and has also developed several new programmes of study including a Certificate in the Mental Health and Well Being of Older People and a Best Interests Assessor Programme at PQ level. Jim′s research interests are in the fields of mental health and also in complementary therapies.