This book offers new interdisciplinary analyses of borders and blockages in higher education and how they can be inhabited and reworked. Amidst stratified inequalities of race, gender, class and sexuality, across time and space, contributors explore what alternative academic futures can be claimed. While higher education institutions are increasingly concerned with ‘internationalization’, ‘diversity’, and ‘widening access and participation’, the sector remains complicit in reproducing entrenched inequalities of access and outcomes among both students and staff: boundaries of who does and does not belong are continually drawn, enacted, contested and redrawn. In the contemporary neoliberal, entrepreneurial and ‘post’-colonial educational context, contributors critically examine educational futures as these become more uncertain. This wide-ranging collection serves as a call to action for those concerned with the future of higher education, and how alternative futures can be reimagined.
Table des matières
Chapter 1. Introduction; Maddie Breeze, Yvette Taylor and Christina Costa.- Chapter 2. Closed door: Academic collegiality, isolation, competition and resistance in the contemporary Australian university; Bryony Lipton.- Chapter 3. Feminist Pedagogy: Fractures of recognition in higher education; Genine Hook.- Chapter 4. (Dis)assembling the neoliberal academic subject: when Ph D students construct feminist spaces; Elizabeth Ablett, Heather Griffiths and Kate Mahoney.- Chapter 5. Black Scottish writing and the fiction of diversity; Churnjeet Mahn.- Chapter 6. The imperial/neoliberal university: what does it mean to be included?; Lou Dear.- Chapter 7. In defence of Safe Spaces: subaltern counterpublics and vulnerable politics in the neoliberal university; Chris Waugh.- Chapter 8. Public sociology and social movements: incorporation or a war of position?; Eurig Scandrett and Elaine Ballantyne.- Chapter 9. Discourses of dissonance: enabling sites of praxis and practice amongst Arts and Designdoctoral study; Jacqueline Taylor.- Chapter 10. An embodied approach in a cognitive discipline; Jennifer Leigh.- Chapter 11. Aesthetic Education and the phenomenology of learning; Jonathan Owen Clark and Louise H. Jackson.- Chapter 12. Response-ability: Re-e-valuing shameful measuring processes within the Australian academy; Melissa Joy Wolfe and Eve Mayes.
A propos de l’auteur
Maddie Breeze is Chancellor’s Fellow, School of Education, University of Strathclyde, UK. She was previously Lecturer in Public Sociology at Queen Margaret University. In 2016 she was awarded the British Sociological Association Phillip Abrams Memorial Prize for her book
Seriousness in Women’s Roller Derby.
Yvette Taylor is Professor of Education, University of Strathclyde, UK. She is Principal Investigator on the Norface funded project ‘Comparing Intersectional Life Course Inequalities amongst LGBTQ Citizens in Four European Counties’, and is series editor of Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education.
Cristina Costa is Associate Professor Digital Education and Society, University of West of England. She has published on digital scholarship practices, digital literacies and cultures, and curriculum innovation.