Auteur: Mahesh Kumar Jat

Mourad Bezzeghoud School of Sciences and Technology, University of Évora, Portugal Mourad Bezzeghoud is a full professor at the Physics Department of the School of Sciences and Technology and a researcher at the Institute of Space and Earth Sciences, University of Évora. He was in charge of several positions of responsibility in several institutions as, i.e., the founder and director of the Department for Study and Seismic Monitoring of CRAAG (Algiers, Algeria), director of the School of Sciences and Technology (University of Évora, Portugal), or member of the Management Council of the University of Évora. Presently, he is the president of the Scientific Council of the School of Sciences and Technology (University of Évora) and coordinator of the Institute of Space and Earth Sciences (University of Évora).  He has published dozens of articles in specialized revues and journals, and several books and chapters in books. He works in the area of Earth Sciences (Solid Earth Geophysics) with an emphasis in Seismology.   Zeynal Abiddin Ergüler Kutahya Dumlupinar University, Geological Engineering Department, Kutahya, Turkey Prof. Dr. Zeynal Abiddin Erguler is a full professor at the geological engineering department at Kutahya Dumlupinar University (Turkey). Dr. Erguler holds a B.Sc. (1998), an M.Sc. (2001), and a Ph.D. degree (2007) in Geological Engineering from Hacettepe University (Turkey). His research interests mainly focus on rock mechanics, engineering geology, environmental geology, and soil mechanics. His current investigation is to understand and model the thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of shale rocks in the area of shale gas production. In addition to performing many types of research and industry-funded projects, he has also taught and supervised undergraduate and graduate students. In 2017, Dr. Erguler joined the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (AJGS) as an editor responsible for evaluating submissions in the fields of rock mechanics, engineering geology, environmental geology, and soil mechanics.  Jesús Rodrigo-Comino University of Granada, Spain Ph.D. DEng Jesús Rodrigo-Comino is a member of the Department of Regional and Physical Geography at the University of Granada (Spain). He completed his first Ph.D. in Geography at the University of Málaga (Spain) and Trier (Germany) in 2018 and the second one in the engineering of Geomatics and Topography at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2023). His current research interests include soil geography, regional geography, and land degradation. He coordinates the Terra Lab 2 EGEMAP (Environmental Geography and Mapping)   Mahesh Kumar Jat Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India Dr. Mahesh Kumar Jat is a professor of Water Resources at Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur (India). He is teaching and doing research in the area of hydrological modeling, integrated water management, geo-spatial technologies, and land use land cover change modeling. He has published more than 100 research articles in ISI/Scopus Journals and conferences (total citations: 2330; h-index – 21; i-index 30).  He has completed 12 research projects amounting to more than 65 million Indian rupees. He is a member of many national and international professional bodies such as the European Geosciences Union (EGU), ASCE, IWRS, IAH, IRS. He sits as a member of the board of studies of many Institutes in India.  He is the associate editor and editorial member in 2 ISI journals. He has delivered 40 keynote and invited talks at international and national conferences.   Roohollah Kalatehjari Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Dr. Roohollah (Roo) Kalatehjari is a highly accomplished academic and researcher with over 15 years of experience in geotechnical engineering. He is a senior lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, Associate Head of School—Learning and Teaching at the School of Future Environments (So FE) at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), director of the Advanced Construction Research cluster, and founder and director of the Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory. His research focuses on preserving the environment and finding sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions for soil stabilization and slope stability. Roo is also an active member of several professional engineering and education organizations, including Engineering New Zealand, the New Zealand Geotechnical Society, and the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He is a fellow of HEA, UK, and a member of Life Cycle Assessment New Zealand.   Deepak Singh Bisht National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India Dr. DS Bisht is working as Scientist “B” in National Institute of Hydrology, an autonomous society under Ministry of Jal Shakti, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India. He did his Ph.D. and Masters from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the domain of hydrology and climate change. His research interests primarily include, but not limited to, hydrological modeling, urban drainage, flood modeling, climate change impact analysis, remote sensing applications, and springshed management.   Haroun Chenchouni Higher National School of Forests, Khenchela, Algeria Dr. Haroun Chenchouni is an associate professor and research scientist (Ecologist) at the Higher National School of Forests (Khenchela, Algeria). He is a former associate professor at the University of Tebessa (Algeria). He holds a doctorate degree in Ecology and Environment from the University of Batna 2 (Algeria) and a M.Sc. (Magister) in Dryland Ecology from the University of Ouargla (Algeria). He graduated as an engineer in Plant Ecology and Forest Ecosystems from the Department of Biological Sciences (University of Batna, Algeria). His research interests are fairly broad; he uses statistical modeling approaches to understand how natural environments, mainly climatic and edaphic factors, and anthropogenic perturbations influence biological interactions, shape trends in population dynamics, and influence community diversity. He uses various biological models to investigate biological interactions and community ecology of arid and semiarid ecosystems of North Africa.   Arkoprovo Biswas Banaras Hindu University, India Dr. Arkoprovo Biswas is an assistant professor at the Department of Geology, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi. He received his B.Sc. (2002) in Geology from Presidency College, University of Calcutta, M.Sc. (2004) in Geological Science, M.Tech. (2006) in Earth and Environmental Science from IIT Kharagpur, and P.G. Diploma (2009) in Petroleum Exploration from Annamalai University. He joined Geostar Surveys India Pvt. Ltd as a geophysicist in 2006 and later joined Western Geco Electromagnetics, Schlumberger, as an On-Board Data Processing Field engineer/geophysicist in 2007 and served there till 2008. In 2013, he received his Ph.D. in Exploration Geophysics from IIT Kharagpur. Later, he joined the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal as a visiting faculty in 2014 and completed his tenure in 2015.  Helder Chaminé School of Engineering of Porto (ISEP), Portugal Helder I. Chaminé is a skilled geologist (B.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc.) and professor of engineering geosciences at the School of Engineering (ISEP) of the Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal, with over 33 years of experience in multidisciplinary geosciences research and practice. Before joining the academy in 2001, he worked for over 13 years on international and national projects for mining hydrogeomechanics and geology, structural geology mapping, applied mineralogy, rock engineering, exploration geology, and groundwater. His major research interests are GIS mapping techniques for applied geology, geotechnics and natural hazards, engineering geosciences and hydrogeomechanics, hard-rock hydrogeology, urban groundwater, water resources, and thermal waters management. He has interests in geomining heritage, geoethics, history of cartography, military geosciences, higher education dissemination, and geo-professional core values.    He has also been active in teaching and supervising many Ph.D, M.Sc., and undergraduate students.   Attila Ciner Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Attila Çiner is a sedimentology and quaternary geology professor at the Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. After graduating from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara (1985), he obtained his M.Sc. degree at the University of Toledo, USA (1988) and his Ph.D. at the University of Strasbourg, France (1992). He works on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of basins and quaternary depositional systems such as moraines, fluvial terraces, alluvial fans, and deltas. He uses cosmogenic nuclides to date these deposits. He primarily focuses on the glacial deposits and landscapes and tries to understand paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum. Lastly, he was part of the Turkish Antarctic Expedition. He spent two months working on the site recognition and decision of the future Turkish scientific research station to be implemented on the continent.   Afroz Ahmad Shah Universiti of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Shah Afroz is a senior assistant professor of Structural Geology at the Department of Geosciences, Universiti of Brunei Darussalam (UBD). He graduated from IIT Kanpur India in 2006 and then completed Ph.D. at James Cook University, Australia, in 2010, a post-doctorate at Earth Observatory of Singapore in 2013 and joined his first academic job as a senior lecturer of Structural Geology at Curtin Sarawak, Miri, Malaysia, before joining UBD. His research mainly involves the brittle deformation of lithospheric plates, focusing on earthquake-causing faults in South and Southeast Asia. It also includes floods, landslides, and land subsidence hazards. Shah works on earthquake science education and outreach and frequently writes in newspapers, magazines, and blogs. He is a National Geographic explorer, and his work on earthquake hazards in Kashmir has been featured in the National Geographic Magazine. He loves writing and has been involved in writing about geological and climatic hazards.   Ahmed Radwan Institute of geological sciences, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland Dr. Ahmed E. Radwan is an adjunct professor at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Jagiellonian University (Poland). Dr. Radwan has academic and industrial experience, since he obtained his Ph.D. in geophysics at Sohag University, Egypt, besides his proficient work in the oil and gas industry as section head at the exploration department of the Gulf of Suez petroleum company (Gupco), Egypt. As a post-doctoral research scientist, he attended Innsbruck University in Austria in 2019. In 2020, he joined the Jagiellonian University in Poland. Despite his youth, he has received numerous awards from international organizations such as the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), the Geochemical Society (GS), the Clay Minerals Society (CMS), the Austrian Forschungsgemeinschaft (FG), the Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej (NAWA), the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF), and petroleum companies.   Jasper Knight University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Jasper Knight is a geoscientist with research interests in the spatial and temporal variability in morphosedimentary system responses to rapid hemispheric-scale climatic and environmental changes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. I focus thematically on glaciers, rivers, coasts, and mountains. Jasper Knight focuses geographically on Africa, Ireland, northwest USA, Australia, the European Alps, and various places in Asia and South America.   Dionysia Panagoulia National Technical University of Athens, Greece Dr. Dionysia G. Panagoulia is an associate professor at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, with expertise in hydrology, hydroclimatology, and water systems. She is the author of more than 145 published research works, including being the co-editor of the book “River Basin Management – Under a Changing Climate” and lately has extended her research work to water economics theory and complex time/dark matter approaches. She has over 30 years of research experience in floods and their risk and hazard, extreme events, precipitation, global climate contribution to localclimate, climate change, low flows, droughts, maximum/minimum temperatures, sediment transport, groundwater/streamflow interaction, ANN, WEF Nexus, and water economics and management. She has cooperated in joint research with the University of Stuttgart, Germany; CNRS Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences Wimereux, France; Wageningen University, Netherlands; and Mc Gill University, Canada.  Amjad Kallel Sfax National School of Engineering, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia Dr. Amjad Kallel is currently an associate professor of Environmental Geology in the Sfax National School of Engineers at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. He holds a B.Eng. in Georesources and Environment (1998) from the University of Sfax (Tunisia) and an M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D. degree in Georesources and Environment (2004) from Hokkaido University (Japan). He joined Venture Business Laboratory (VBL) at Akita University, Japan (2005–2006) as a researcher focusing on refining and recycling technologies for the recovery of rare elements from natural and secondary sources. On his return to Tunisia, he worked at the University of Gabes from 2006 to 2011, where he contributed to the elaboration of teaching programs at the Higher Institute of Water Sciences and Technologies of Gabes. Since 2011, he has joined the Sfax National School of Engineers.   Veysel Turan Bingol University, Turkey Veysel Turan is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Bingöl, Türkiye. His research focuses on the interactions among soil science, environmental remediation, food chemistry, and climate change.   His Google Scholar H index is 38, Web of Science ESI top papers (13 as “highly cited papers” and 4 as “hot papers”). He was awarded an Excellence in Reviewing for the Journal of Environmental Management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling and Best Reviewer Award  Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology in 2022.   Matteo Gentilucci University of Camerino, School of Science and Technology, Geology division, Camerino, Italy Matteo Gentilucci had his B.Sc. degree in “Geological Sciences” from University of Camerino, Italy, in 2009 and then earned M.Sc. degree in 2012 from University of Camerino, Italy, in “Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks.” He earned a first-level master degree in GIS for the governance of the territory in 2012 and a Ph.D.  in “Sciences and technology: Earth Science” from the University of Camerino in 2017. From February 2017 to October 2018, he was a researcher at the Experimental Geophysical Observatory of Macerata, and in 2018, he became honorary fellow in Advanced GIS. In 2018 and 2019, he was a contract professor of the University of Camerino. Since 2022, he has been a researcher at the University of Camerino and holds courses in meteorology, climatology, and GIS.

2 Ebooks par Mahesh Kumar Jat

Mourad Bezzeghoud & Zeynal Abiddin Ergüler: Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology
This book is based on the accepted papers for presentation at the 2nd Med GU Annual Meeting, Marrakesh 2022. With five parts spanning a large spectrum of geological and geophysical topics, this book …
Haroun Chenchouni & Zhihua Zhang: Recent Advancements from Aquifers to Skies in Hydrogeology, Geoecology, and Atmospheric Sciences
This book is based on the accepted papers for presentation at the 2nd Med GU Annual Meeting, Marrakesh 2022. It presents a series of newest research studies that are nowadays relevant mainly to Middl …