Losing weight is easy! First you have to master ‘the 12 types of hunger’. Then you have to track down 23 new super foods, each one more exotic than the last and all sold at different farmers markets on alternate Sundays all over the city. Next you have to learn six new cooking techniques along with the appropriate French pronunciations. Then you can dust off the old scientific calculator and develop a personal algorithm to generate your optimal macronutrient ratios. Finally, line up your 21 Tupperware boxes and clear your calendar so you can spend most of your weekends meal-prepping to ‘save time’. Now get to work on following your very simple meal plan with recipes that have no more than 29 steps. Begin with soaking and marinating your antler moss yesterday.
Easy peasy!
I’m sick to death of the idea that abundant health is inaccessible to anyone, for any reason! You don’t need an advanced degree in nutrition science or a masters in mathematics. You don’t need to be a Michelin Star chef with a food science lab in your garden shed. You don’t need a second job to buy expensive superfoods and you don’t need to find an 8th day in your week to run around town tracking them down and preparing them. The Mega Foods Plan is your antidote to the insanity of modern health. This simple guide will show you just how easy, quick, cheap and painless it really can be to get nutritious, yummy food in your belly so you can get on with living life. Quit overthinking, over planning, over spending, over complicating and overwhelming. Learn how to take your focus off food and keep it that way.
Eat simply. Live fully.
A propos de l’auteur
At the beginning of 2016, in the depths of mental and physical despair, Andrew had a simple idea to treat food addiction by quitting food, in much the same way an alcoholic should quit alcohol. He ended up quitting all foods except potatoes, in a simple experiment to see what would happen. Pretty soon Andrew’s story went viral around the globe as people were captivated by his incredible weight loss and physical and mental health improvements.So many thousands of people asked Andrew for help over the course of the year that the best way to help as many people as possible was to collate all the advice he had given in the form of a book. Thus he found that completely unintentionally he’d become a published author.