What contribution can a humanistic pedagogy make in the context of a migration society? The author uses three examples to illustrate the deficit-oriented pressure to assimilate that foreigners are often subjected to: the Chicago School of immigration studies, the ‘2008 Integration Plan’ of the Austrian federal state of Salzburg, and Hartmut Esser’s phases of integration. The illustrative critique of these models is primarily based on Edward W. Said’s theory of ‘othering’, Zygmunt ...
Table des matières
I. Introduction<br>II. Deficit-oriented assimilative pressure on migrant others:
The Chicago School of immigration studies, Hartmut Esser’s assimilative in...
A propos de l’auteur
Prof. Dr. phil. Manfred Oberlechner-Duval is Professor for Sociology of Education and Migration at Stefan Zweig University of Education, Salzburg, Austria.