Make professional learning unforgettable!
Teaching busy adults can be a daunting task. How do you grab their attention, make material memorable, and create experiences that immediately improve their professional practice? Expert Marcia Tate knows how adults learn best and shares 20 professional development strategies that work.
What you′ll find in the 2nd edition:
- 20 brain-based learning strategies proven to engage adults and boost long-term retention
- 150 professional learning activities that spark educator participation
- New findings on learning styles, brain research, and adult learning theory
- References to the Learning Forward Professional Standards
- Key differences between adult learners and younger students
- Samples of professional learning designs
- Sections devoted to job-embedded practice, peer coaching, and action research
- Guided reflection and application sections
Perfect for staff developers, trainers, teacher leaders, and educational consultants, ‘Sit and Get’ Won′t Grow Dendrites shows you how to deliver high-energy learning experiences that impact adults for years to come.
Praise for the First Edition:
‘Marcia Tate brings the same enthusiasm she has for working with adults to writing for adults. This is a book all trainers could benefit from, study, and keep accessible in their tool chest.’
—Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director
Learning Forward
‘This is THE must-have staff development text for all education professionals. This book doesn′t lecture on what to teach. Rather, it offers a plethora of methods to help adults learn. This is the ultimate ′how to teach how to teach′ resource.’
—Journal of Staff Development
Table des matières
About the Author
Introduction: Adult Learning Theory
1. Brainstorming and Discussion
2. Drawing and Artwork
3. Field Trips
4. Games
5. Graphic Organizers, Semantic Maps, and Word Webs
6. Humor and Celebration
7. Manipulatives and Models
8. Metaphors, Analogies, and Similes
9. Mnemonic Devices
10. Movement
11. Music, Rhythm, Rhyme, and Rap
12. Project-Based and Problem-Based Instruction
13. Reciprocal Teaching, Cooperative Learning, and Peer Coaching
14. Role Plays, Drama, Pantomimes, and Charades
15. Storytelling
16. Technology
17. Visualization and Guided Imagery
18. Visuals
19. Work Study, Action Research, and Professional Learning Communities
20. Writing and Reflection
Resource A: Professional Learning Lesson Design
Resource B: Sample Professional Learning Lesson Designs
Resource C: Tips for Making Your Professional Learning Unforgettable
Resource D: Secrets for Looking Younger, Staying Healthier, and Living Longer
A propos de l’auteur
Marcia L. Tate, Ed D, is the former executive director of professional development for the De Kalb County School System in Decatur, Georgia. During her thirty-year career with the district, she has been a classroom teacher, reading specialist, language arts coordinator, and staff development executive director. Marcia is currently an educational consultant and has taught over 500, 000 administrators, teachers, parents, and business and community leaders throughout the world. She is the author of the eight books in the best-selling Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites series and four additional books: Formative Assessment in a Brain-Compatible Classroom: How Do We Really Know They’re Learning?, 100 Brain-Friendly Lessons for Unforgettable Teaching and Learning K–8, and 100 Brain-Friendly Lessons for Unforgettable Teaching and Learning 9–12, and her latest book, Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms that is designed to address both the personal and professional lives of all educators. Participants in her workshops refer to them as some of the best ones they have ever experienced since Marcia uses the twenty strategies outlined in her books to actively engage her audiences. Marcia received her bachelor’s degree in psychology and elementary education from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned her master’s degree in remedial reading from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, her specialist degree in educational leadership from Georgia State University, and her doctorate in educational leadership from Clark Atlanta University. Marcia is married to Tyrone Tate and is the proud mother of three children: Jennifer, Jessica, and Christopher, and nine grandchildren: Christian, Aidan, Maxwell, Aaron, Roman, Shiloh, Aya, Noah, and Alyssa. Marcia and her husband own the company Developing Minds, Inc. and can be contacted by calling the company at (770) 918-5039, emailing her at marciata@, or by visiting her website at You can also follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @Dr Marcia Tate.