Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh is currently working as Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in Department of CSE at Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Waknaghat, H.P. He has completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Gautam Buddha University (State Government University), Greater Noida, UP, India. He received his M.Tech. (CSE) with Distinction from GGSIPU , New Delhi, India. Dr. Singh is having life membership of Computer Society of India (CSI), Life Member of IEI and promoted to Senior Member Grade from CSI and ACM. He is Associate Editor of International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC) a scientific peer reviewed journal from Romania. He has published nearly 85 research papers in various International Journals and Conferences of repute. He has received three sponsored research projects grant from Govt. of India and Govt. of HP worth Rs 25 Lakhs. He has edited total 8 books from Springer and Elsevier and also edited several special issues for SCI and SCIE Journals from Elsevier and IGI Global. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, internet of things, information security and data science technologies.
Dr. Bharat K Bhargava is working as Professor of Comp Science at Purdue University, USA. He has 14631 Google scholar citations, H-index 59 and i-10 Index 233 in his account. Professor Bhargava is conducting research in security and privacy issues in distributed systems. His main research interest include cyber and cloud security, experiments in communications and networking software, secure mobile systems, Trust Management, Privacy in Data Access, Collaborative Attacks and Defense in Networks, Multi-media Security. Professor Bhargava is recipient of seven best paper awards in various international computer science conferences. Professor Bhargava is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers. In 1999, he received the IEEE Technical Achievement Award for a major impact of his decade long contributions to foundations of adaptability in communication and distributed systems. He has been awarded the charter Gold Core Member distinction by the IEEE Computer Society for his distinguished service. In 2003, he was inducted in the Purdue »s Book of Great Teachers. In 2017, he received the Helen Schleman Gold Medallion Award for supporting women at Purdue and Focus award for advancing technology for differently abled students. He is editor-in-chief of four journals and serves on over ten editorial boards of international journals. He also served on the IEEE Computer Society on Technical Achievement award and Fellow committees. Professor Bhargava is the founder of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems, IEEE conference on Digital Library, and the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.
Dr. Marcin Paprzycki is an associate professor at the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences. He has an MS from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, a Ph D from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and a Doctor of Science from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He is a senior member of IEEE, a senior member of ACM, a Senior Fulbright Lecturer, and an IEEE CS Distinguished Visitor. He has contributed to more than 450 publications and was invited to the program committees of over 500 international conferences. He is on the editorial boards of 12 journals and a book series. He has 3820 Google scholar citations, H-index 27 and i-10 Index 119 in his account. His research interests include software agents, semantic technologies, high performance computing, data analytics, internet of things and networking technologies. To reach him, please visit http://www.ibspan.waw.pl/~paprzyck/.
Dr. Narottam Chand is Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Hamirpur. Presently he is also serving as Associate Dean (Admissions & Registration) at the Institute. He served Head of Department, Computer Science and Engineering for two terms during July 2015 to April 2018 and Feb 2008 to Jan 2011. Previously he has also served Head, Institute Computer Centre, for two terms during Feb 2008 to July 2009 and Oct 2014 to June 2015. In the recent past, he has coordinated different key assignments at NIT Hamirpur like Accreditation, Campus Wide Networking, Institute Web Site and Institute Office Automation. Dr. Narottam is an active industry consultant for entities like BHEL and Kangra Central Cooperative Bank. He received his Ph D degree from IIT Roorkee in Computer Science and Engineering. Previously, he received MTech and BTech degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Delhi and NIT Hamirpur, respectively. His current research areas of interest include mobile computing, mobile ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks and Io Ts. He has published more than 150 research papers in International/National journals & conferences, guided seven Ph Ds and guiding few more in these areas. He is Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India), Senior Member of IEEE, and Member of ACM, ISTE, CSI, International Association of Engineers and Internet Society. He has 1707 Google scholar citations , H-index 22 and i-10 Index 32 in his account.
Prof. Dr. Wei-Chiang Hong is a Jiangsu Distinguished Professor in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Jiangsu Normal University, China. His research interests mainly include computational intelligence (neural networks and evolutionary computation), and application of forecasting technology (ARIMA, support vector regression, and chaos theory), networking technologies and machine learning algorithms. Professor Hong serves as the General Chair of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing (ICRIC 2019), the Honorary Chair of FTNCT (2018, 2019), IC4S (2019), and ETCCS (2019), the Technical Program Co-Chair of FTNCT (2018, 2019), IEEE ITNEC (2016-2020), and ICBDBI (2017). He also serves as the program committee of various international conferences including premium ones such as IEEE CEC, IEEE CIS, IEEE ICNSC, IEEE SMC, IEEE CASE, and IEEE SMCia, etc. In May 2012, his paper had been evaluated as Top Cited Article 2007-2011 by Elsevier Publisher (Netherlands). In Sep. 2012, once again, his paper had been indexed in ISI Essential Science Indicator database as Highly Cited Papers, in the meanwhile, he also had been awarded as the Model Teacher Award by Taiwan Private Education Association. Professor Hong is a senior member of IIE and IEEE. He is indexed in the list of Who’s Who in the World (25th-30th Editions), Who’s Who in Asia (2nd Edition), and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (10th and 11th Editions). Professor Hong is currently appointed asthe Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation, in addition, he serves as a guest editor of the Energies, and is appointed as an Associate Editor of the Neurocomputing and International Journal of System Dynamics Applications. He has 5474 Google scholar citations, H-index 38 and i-10 Index 64 in his account.
27 Ebooks par Marcin Paprzycki
Jack Dongarra & Marcin Paprzycki: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics
It is our pleasure to provide you with the volume containing the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathe- tics, which was held in Cz estochowa, a Poli …
Jack Dongarra & Marcin Paprzycki: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, PPAM 2002, held in Naleczow, Poland, in September 20 …
Costin Badica & Marcin Paprzycki: Advances in Intelligent and Distributed Computing
Intelligent computing is becoming a mature ?eld of information and communication technology, covering a hybrid palette of methods and techniques derived from clas- cal arti?cial intelligence, computa …
Matthias Klusch & Marcin Paprzycki: Multiagent System Technologies
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, MATES 2013, held in Koblenz, Germany, in September 2013. The 29 revised full papers and …
Bharat Bhargava & Jitender Kumar Chhabra: Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies, FTNCT 2018, held in Solan, India, in February 2018 …
Pradeep Kumar Singh & Bharat K. Bhargava: Handbook of Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges in Current Scenario’s
This book explores various challenging problems and applications areas of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and identifies the current issues and future research challenges. Discussing the …
Amit Kumar & Marcin Paprzycki: ICDSMLA 2019
This book gathers selected high-impact articles from the 1st International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning & Applications 2019. It highlights the latest developments in the areas of Arti …
Rashmi Agrawal & Neha Gupta: Big Data, IoT, and Machine Learning
The idea behind this book is to simplify the journey of aspiring readers and researchers to understand Big Data, Io T and Machine Learning. It also includes various real-time/offline applications and …
Rashmi Agrawal & Neha Gupta: Big Data, IoT, and Machine Learning
The idea behind this book is to simplify the journey of aspiring readers and researchers to understand Big Data, Io T and Machine Learning. It also includes various real-time/offline applications and …
Dinesh Goyal & Amit Kumar Gupta: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence
This book features selected papers presented at Second International Conference on International Conference on Information Management & Machine Intelligence (ICIMMI 2020) held at Poornima Institute o …
Ali Ismail Awad & Steven Furnell: Security in Cyber-Physical Systems
This book is a relevant reference for any readers interested in the security aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems and particularly useful for those looking to keep informed on the latest advances in thi …
Marcin Paprzycki & Sabu M. Thampi: Intelligent Systems, Technologies and Applications
This book offers to readers a selection of refereed papers that were presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA’20). All submissions wer …
Garima Mathur & Harish Sharma: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications 2019
This book introduces research presented at the “International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications-2019 (ICAIAA 2019), ” a two-day conference and workshop bringing togethe …
Jagdish Chand Bansal & Monica Bianchini: Computationally Intelligent Systems and their Applications
This book covers all core technologies like neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation and their applications in the systems. Computationally intelligent system is a new concept for …
Yugal Kumar & Marcin Paprzycki: Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies
This two-wolume set (CCIS 1395-1396) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies, FTNCT 2020, held in Tag …
Subhash Bhalla & Rajiv Pandey: Semantic IoT: Theory and Applications
This book is focused on an emerging area, i.e. combination of Io T and semantic technologies, which should enable breaking the silos of local and/or domain-specific Io T deployments. Taking into acco …
Wei-Chiang Hong & Yugal Kumar: Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Network and Communication Technologies, FTNCT 2019, held in Chandigarh, India, in Novembe …
Garima Mathur & Mahesh Bundele: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications
This book gathers outstanding research papers presented in the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Application (ICAIAA 2021), held in Poornima College of Engineering …
Dinesh Goyal & Anil Kumar: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence
This book features selected papers presented at Third International Conference on International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence (ICIMMI 2021) held at Poornima Institute …
Mohamad Essaaidi & Marcin Paprzycki: Sustainable Smart Cities
This book brings the recent collection of smart technologies. Smart cities challenges and key requirements are discussed through the technological solutions, Io T, cloud computing, block chain and ar …
Costin Badica & Deepak Chahal: Information, Communication and Computing Technology
This book constitutes proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing Technology, ICICCT 2022, held in New Delhi, India, in July 2022.The 11 papers present …
Ankush Ghosh & Marcin Paprzycki: Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems
This book constitutes selected papers presented at the First International Conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems, ICACIS 2022, held as a virtual event in October 2022.The 69 pa …
Sabu M. Thampi & Jayanta Mukhopadhyay: International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics
This book constitutes thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI 2022), from August 31 to September 1–2, 2022, Trivandrum, Indi …
Garima Mathur & Mahesh Bundele: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications
This book gathers outstanding research papers presented in the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Application (ICAIAA 2022), held in Poornima College of Engineering …
Ankush Ghosh & Marcin Paprzycki: Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems, ICACIS 2023, held in Warsaw, Poland, during June 16-17, 2023Th …
Ankush Ghosh & Marcin Paprzycki: Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems, ICACIS 2023, held in Warsaw, Poland, during June 16-17, 2023Th …
Rabindra Nath Shaw & Sanjoy Das: Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies
This book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies (ICACIT 2023), which is organized by Indira Gandhi Nat …