This is the first edited collection to focus on women, gender, and history education in Canada. The aim of this edited collection is threefold: to offer a historical analysis of women and gender in K-12 teaching and learning of history; to provide an examination of women and gender in relation to contemporary pedagogy, curriculum, and resources in K-12 history education and teacher education; and, to explore the future of history education when informed by intersectional feminism and gender theory. Readers are introduced to the ways in which women’s historical narratives have been repeatedly marginalized, despite the efforts of feminist activists and educators. This collection is the beginning of a long overdue conversation about women and gender in how we teach and learn about the past.
Table des matières
Introduction: Teaching and Learning about the Past for Gender Justice in the Future.- Part I: Feminism and History Education, 1970s to the Present.- The History of the Precariousness of Women’s Voices and Stories within History Curriculum in Ontario.- I teach how to look for what is there and what is missing: Women’s Testimonies of Resistance at the Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario, 1970s-2000s.- Part II: The State of Women and Gender in Curriculum, Resources, and Pedagogy.- Including women’s history or teaching history from a feminist perspective? The predisposition to multiperspectivity of history teachers in Quebec.- At the Heart of It: Tracing Gendered Conceptions of Empathy and Affect within Historical Thinking in Canada.- Part III: (Re)Storying Women’s and Gender Histories in Schools and Museums.- Sky Woman and Haudenosaunee Oral Histories in Canadian Curriculum.- (Re)Framing our Past, Contesting the Present: Centring Diverse Women’s Historical Agency in the Framing Our Past 2.0 Project.- Going Public with Women’s History Education: Feminist Museum Design and Youth Historical Consciousness.
A propos de l’auteur
Marie-Hélène Brunet is Associate Professor of Social Studies and History Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa, Canada.
Kristina R. Llewellyn is Professor of History and the Wilson College Leadership and Civic Engagement at Mc Master University, Canada. She recently held the position of Professor of Social Development Studies at the University of Waterloo, Canada.
Rose Fine-Meyer is a Senior Lecturer in the Master of Teaching (MT) program at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada.