A ‘textbook’ plant typically comprises about 85% water
and 13.5% carbohydrates. The remaining fraction contains at least
14 mineral elements, without which plants would be unable to
complete their life cycles.
Understanding plant nutrition and applying this knowledge to
practical use is important for several reasons. First, an
understanding of plant nutrition allows fertilisers to be used more
wisely. Second, the nutritional composition of crops must be
tailored to meet the health of humans and livestock. Third, many
regions of the world are currently unsuitable for crop production,
and an understanding of plant nutrition can be used to develop
strategies either for the remediation of this land or for the
cultivation of novel crops.
That application of knowledge of plant nutrition can be achieved
through genotypic or agronomic approaches. Genotypic approaches,
based on crop selection and / or breeding (conventional or GM),
have recently begun to benefit from technological advances,
including the completion of plant genome sequencing projects. This
book provides an overview of how plant nutritional genomics,
defined as the interaction between a plant’s genome and its
nutritional characteristics, has developed in the light of
these technological advances, and how this new knowledge might
usefully be applied.
This is a book for researchers and professionals in plant
molecular genetics, biochemistry and physiology, in both the
academic and industrial sectors.
Table des matières
1. Nitrogen.
Françoise Daniel-Vedele and Sylvain Chaillou, Plant
Nitrogen Nutrition Unit, INRA Versailles, Frances.
2. Potassium.
Sabine Zimmermann and Isabelle Chérel, INRA – Biochimie et
Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes, Montpellier, France.
3. Calcium.
Philip J. White, Horticulture Research International,
Wellesbourne, Warwick, UK.
4. Sulphur.
Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Agriculture and the Environment Division,
Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK.
5. Phosphorus.
Kashchandra G. Raghothama, Department of Horticulture and
Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,
6. Sodium.
Huazhong Shi, Ray A. Bressan, Paul M. Hasegawa and Jian-Kang
Zhu, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
7. Mapping links between the genome and ionome in
Brett Lahner and David E. Salt, Department of Horticulture and
Landscape Architechture, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, USA.
8. Transcriptional profiling of membrane
Frans J.M. Maathuis, Department of Biology, University of York,
UK and Anna Amtmann, Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biophysics,
University of Glasgow, UK.
9. Exploring natural genetic variation to improve plant
nutrient content.
Dick Vreugdenhil , Mark G.M. Aarts and Maarten Koornneef,
Laboratory of Genetics, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
10. Mapping nutritional traits in crop plants.
Matthias Wissuwa, International Rice Research Institute, Manila,
The Philippines.
11. Sustainable crop nutrition: constraints and
R. Ford Denison and E. Toby Kiers, Agronomy & Range Science
Department, University of California, Davis, USA.
12. Methods to improve the crop-delivery of minerals to
humans and livestock.
Michael A. Grusak, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas,
USA and Ismail Cakmak, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences,
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey.
13. Using plants to manage sites contaminated with heavy
Steven N. Whiting, School of Botany, University of Melbourne,
Australia, Roger D. Reeves, Institute of Fundamental Sciences,
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, David Richards,
Rio Tinto Plc, London, UK et al..
A propos de l’auteur
Martin R. Broadley is the author of Plant Nutritional Genomics, published by Wiley.