Auteur: Matthew Hickson

Matthew Hickson was born at such a young age that he can hardly even remember it. According to his parents, it was in 1991 and it was messy. He has had a very interesting life so far trying many different things including engineering, geology, and music. He now teaches music full-time at a school in Perth (the Australian one, not Scotland). His biggest fear is the staff room running out of coffee and when he grows up he would like to be a professional taste tester at a chocolate factory. David has always had a very vivid imagination – so much so that he imagines daily that his life is in working order and that he »s a productive human being.He hopes you enjoy this book – and notes that any complaints about it are to be made by carrier pigeon, smoke signal, or interpretive dance via Skype.

1 Ebooks par Matthew Hickson

Matthew Hickson: Walking Among Birds
For years, rumours of what really happened on ‘that night’ have been shared around the common rooms of St. Benedict’s College. Some hushed whispers tell of a brutal murder, while others insist it was …