In this thought-provoking and gripping non-fiction exploration, Charlton delves deep into the far-reaching consequences of censorship in Chat GPT, exposing its profound impact on social issues, particularly the harrowing experiences of individuals grappling with homelessness.
With a compelling appendix featuring actual conversations held with Chat GPT, readers are granted firsthand insight into the author’s relentless struggle to depict the stark hopelessness endured by a character battling homelessness named Sarah, Charlton brings the reader to an unexpected twist that emerges as Chat GPT’s persistent bias colors the narrative, obscuring the raw reality.
As you embark on this eye-opening journey, you’ll confront the unsettling effects of AI censorship and find yourself compelled to question the narratives we consume – to the max. Charlton unveils narratives, challenges preconceived notions and encourages readers to confront the potential of authentic storytelling.
Prepare to be captivated as you witness the power of unfiltered narratives and embark on a transformative reading experience.
Table des matières
Sarah’s storyix
Chapter One1
Chapter Two5
Chapter Three9
Chapter Four13
Chapter Five17
Chapter Six21
Chapter Seven25
Chapter Eight29
Chapter Nine33
Chapter Ten37
Chapter Eleven41
Chapter Twelve47
Chapter Thirteen51
Chapter Fourteen55
The Homeless Situation61
Regarding the topic65
In Addition73
What Just Happened?79
What Did I Just Read?81
Chat GPT’s Long Joke89
The problems93
Chat GPT’s Candy-Coating 197
Chat GPT’s Candy-Coating 2101
Chat GPT’s Candy-Coating 3105
Chat GPT’s Candy-Coating 4109
Appendix: Sarah’s Chat117