This 2nd edition has been updated and offers residents an even more useful, step-by-step guide to achieving a successful and fulfilling career in medicine. The book’s authors began running seminars at Stanford to advise their residents on various important topics not traditionally taught in medical school or residency, but all essential for establishing a successful career in medicine. These topics include creating a curriculum vitae and landing a great job, financial advice for student loans and retirement planning, understanding malpractice insurance, applying to medical staffs, and other important topics. Each chapter from the previous edition is expanded and updated.
New chapters have been added to address the following key topics:
· EMRs
· Payment for services
· Leadership
· Understanding hospital administration
· Physician wellness
Loaded with sage advice and practical wisdom, Life After Residency, 2nd Edition continues to be an invaluable asset for every resident during the transition from residency to life thereafter.
Table des matières
Finding the right fir.- Getting ready for the job search.- Identifying practice opportuniuties.- The interview.- Evaluating the Offer.- Medical staff credentialing and privileges.- Obtaining and maintaining your medical license.- Malpractice insurance, – Reimbursement.- Financial planning for the new practitioner.- EMR.- Importance of physician leaders in a sea of MBAs.- Physical wellness.- Careers outside of clinical medicine.
A propos de l’auteur
Melissa T. Berhow, MD, Ph D
Clinical Associate Professor
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford University Medical Center
Department of Anesthesiology, Peri-operative & Pain Medicine
300 Pasteur Dr, H3580
Stanford CA 94305-5640
William W. Feaster, MD, MBA
Chief Health Information Officer
CHOC Children’s Hospital
1201 W. La Veta Avenue
Orange, CA 92868
John G. Brock-Utne MA, MD, Ph D, FCMSA
Professor of Anesthesia, Emeritus
Stanford University Medical Center
Department of Anesthesiology, Peri-operative & Pain Medicine
300 Pasteur Dr, H3580
Stanford CA 94305-5640
Phone: 650-498-4901
Fax: 650-725-8544