Identifies eight new competencies that will be required by twenty-first century leaders, and profiles twelve up-and-coming leaders who exemplify them.
New times demand new kinds of leaders. In a technological workplace which may be more virtual than physical, where bytes of information and cyberspace need to be managed more than people, leaders will have to thrive amidst high chaos and continuous change. Global Leaders for the Twenty-First Century profiles twelve such leaders from business and government and discusses eight key attributes necessary for successful leadership in the future.
Based upon extensive research and experiences with top leaders from around the world, the authors have identified the eight critical competencies needed by twenty-first century leaders: (1) a global mindset, (2) learning and teaching skills, (3) a servant-steward relationship to one’s organization, (4) systems thinking, (5) spirituality and a concern for ethics, (6) a willingness to embrace new technologies, (7) innovation and risk-taking, and (8) vision-building.
Twelve of the top up-and-coming leaders from around the world who possess these attributes are profiled. They include the Fortune magazine’s first two Asian leaders of the year (CEOs Nobuyuki Idei of Sony and Cheong Choong Kong of Singapore Airlines), two highly acclaimed political leaders (President Mary Mc Aleese of Ireland and United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan), the leading lights in the technology field (CEOs Jorma Ollila of Nokia in Finland and John Chambers of Cisco Systems in the United States), pioneer leaders for women (Carol Bartz, CEO of Auto Desk) and minorities (Ken Chenault, CEO-designate of American Express), the world’s most innovative leader (Ricardo Semler, owner of Semco in Brazil), a leader in recognizing the importance of community service and employee partnership (Henry Carris, Carris Community of Companies), the director of one of the top executive development programs in the world (Felipe Alfonso, Asian Institute of Management), and a radical new thinker in the energy field (John Browne, CEO of BP Amoco).
Table des matières
1. A New Century Requires New Types of Leaders
2. Attributes and Competencies of the Twenty-First Century Global Leader
3. John Chambers: Leading Cisco Systems, the World’s Largest Unknown Company
4. Ricardo Semler: Semco and the World’s Leading Maverick
5. Kofi Annan: Leading the United Nations into the Twenty-First Century
6. John Browne: Energizing BP Amoco toward World-Class Status
7. Carol Bartz: Taking Auto Desk to the Top
8. Felipe Alfonso: Visionary Director of the Asian Institute of Management
by Rowena Figueroa
9. Ken Chenault: Designated Leader for Guiding American Express in the Twenty-First Century
10. Mary Mc Aleese: Leading Ireland toward Peace and Prosperity
11. Cheong Choong Kong: Flying High with Singapore Airlines
12. William Carris: Servant Leader of the Carris Community of Companies
by William S. Brown
13. Nobuyuki Idei: Bridging Electronics and Entertainment at Sony
14. Jorma Ollila: Taking Nokia from the Twilight to the Leading Light in Telecommunications
15. Problems, Pathways, and Prospects for Twenty-First Century Global Leaders
A propos de l’auteur
Michael J. Marquardt is the author of fourteen books, including Building the Learning Organization, selected as Book of the Year by the Academy of Human Resource Development. He is Professor of Human Resource Development and Program Director of Overseas Programs at George Washington University and President of Global Learning Associates. Nancy O. Berger is Assistant Professor of Human Resource Development at George Washington University and President of Training for Performance, Inc.